PDFWAC 314-07-010


Following are definitions for the purpose of this title. Other definitions are in WAC 314-01-005 and RCW 66.08.010.
(1) "Applicant" or "liquor license applicant" means any person or business entity who is considered by the board as a true party of interest in a liquor license or permit application, as outlined in WAC 314-07-035.
(2) "Building" means a stationary structure with floor to ceiling solid walls and a roof. A food truck is not a "building."
(3) "Business name" or "trade name" means the name of a licensed business as used by the licensee on signs, advertising, etc.
(4) "Financier" means any person or entity who has made or will make an investment in the licensed business of more than $10,000. A "financier" can be someone who provides money as a gift, someone who loans money to the business and expects to be paid back the amount of the loan without interest, or someone who invests money into the business expecting a percentage of the profits, but accepts the risk that there may not be a full return on the investment. These persons or entities shall submit appropriate investigation level "financier" financial documents.
(5) "Licensee" or "liquor licensee" means any person or entity that holds a liquor license or permit, or any person or entity who is a true party of interest in a liquor license or permit, as outlined in WAC 314-07-035.
(6) "Public institution" means a public college or university. (See WAC 314-07-020 regarding the liquor and cannabis board notifying public institutions of liquor license applications.)
[Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 2015 c 70. WSR 24-16-064, § 314-07-010, filed 7/31/24, effective 8/31/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030. WSR 17-12-030, § 314-07-010, filed 5/31/17, effective 7/1/17. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 66.24.010. WSR 15-11-106, § 314-07-010, filed 5/20/15, effective 6/20/15; WSR 10-10-126, § 314-07-010, filed 5/5/10, effective 6/5/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030, 66.24.010, 66.24.015, and 66.24.025. WSR 05-07-012, § 314-07-010, filed 3/4/05, effective 4/4/05.]