Chapter 332-30 WAC

Last Update: 1/29/25


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF332-30-103Purpose and applicability.
HTMLPDF332-30-107Aquatic land planning.
HTMLPDF332-30-108Establishment of new harbor areas.
HTMLPDF332-30-109Harbor area.
HTMLPDF332-30-114Management agreements with port districts.
HTMLPDF332-30-115Harbor area use classes.
HTMLPDF332-30-116Harbor line relocation.
HTMLPDF332-30-119Sale of second class shorelands.
HTMLPDF332-30-122Aquatic land use authorization.
HTMLPDF332-30-123Aquatic land use rentals for water-dependent uses.
HTMLPDF332-30-125Aquatic land use rental rates for nonwater-dependent uses.
HTMLPDF332-30-126Sand and gravel extraction fees.
HTMLPDF332-30-127Unauthorized use and occupancy of aquatic lands (see RCW 79.105.200 and 79.125.200).
HTMLPDF332-30-128Rent review.
HTMLPDF332-30-131Public use and access.
HTMLPDF332-30-137Nonwater-dependent uses.
HTMLPDF332-30-138Commercial finfish net pen aquaculture.
HTMLPDF332-30-139Marinas and moorages.
HTMLPDF332-30-144Private recreational docks.
HTMLPDF332-30-145Booming, rafting and storage of logs.
HTMLPDF332-30-148Swim rafts and mooring buoys.
HTMLPDF332-30-151Reserves (RCW 79.68.060).
HTMLPDF332-30-157Commercial clam harvesting.
HTMLPDF332-30-163River management.
HTMLPDF332-30-166Open water disposal sites.
HTMLPDF332-30-170Tideland and shoreland exchange.
HTMLPDF332-30-171Residential uses on state-owned aquatic lands.
HTMLPDF332-30-172Geoduck diver safety program.
332-30-112Establishment of new areas for navigation and commerce outside of harbor areas. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-112, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 85-22-066 (Resolution No. 500), filed 11/5/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.105, 79.90.300, 79.90.455, 79.90.460, 79.90.470, 79.90.475, 79.90.520, 79.68.010, 79.68.68 [ 79.68.080] and chapter 79.93 RCW.
332-30-118Tidelands, shorelands and beds of navigable waters. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-118, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 00-19-001, filed 9/6/00, effective 10/7/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150, 79.90.540.
332-30-121Aquatic land use classes (excluding harbor areas). [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-121, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 85-22-066 (Resolution No. 500), filed 11/5/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.105, 79.90.300, 79.90.455, 79.90.460, 79.90.470, 79.90.475, 79.90.520, 79.68.010, 79.68.68 [ 79.68.080] and chapter 79.93 RCW.
332-30-124Aquatic land use authorization. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-124, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 84-23-014 (Resolution No. 470), filed 11/9/84. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 221 and RCW 79.90.540.
332-30-130Public use. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-130, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 85-22-066 (Resolution No. 500), filed 11/5/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.105, 79.90.300, 79.90.455, 79.90.460, 79.90.470, 79.90.475, 79.90.520, 79.68.010, 79.68.68 [ 79.68.080] and chapter 79.93 RCW.
332-30-133Environmental concerns. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-133, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 85-22-066 (Resolution No. 500), filed 11/5/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.105, 79.90.300, 79.90.455, 79.90.460, 79.90.470, 79.90.475, 79.90.520, 79.68.010, 79.68.68 [ 79.68.080] and chapter 79.93 RCW.
332-30-134Aquatic land environmental protection. [Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.105, 79.90.300, 79.90.455, 79.90.460, 79.90.470, 79.90.475, 79.90.520, 79.68.010, 79.68.68 [ 79.68.080], and chapter 79.93 RCW. WSR 85-22-066 (Resolution No. 500), § 332-30-134, filed 11/5/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-19-002, filed 9/6/00, effective 10/7/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150, 79.90.540.
332-30-136Houseboats. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-136, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 85-22-066 (Resolution No. 500), filed 11/5/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.105, 79.90.300, 79.90.455, 79.90.460, 79.90.470, 79.90.475, 79.90.520, 79.68.010, 79.68.68 [ 79.68.080] and chapter 79.93 RCW.
332-30-142Piers. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 83-02-055 (Order 389, Resolution No. 403), § 332-30-142, filed 1/4/83; WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-142, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 00-19-003, filed 9/6/00, effective 10/7/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150, 79.90.540.
332-30-154Marine aquatic plant removal (RCW 79.68.080). [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-154, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 00-19-004, filed 9/6/00, effective 10/7/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150, 79.90.540.
332-30-160Renewable resources (RCW 79.68.080). [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-160, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 85-22-066 (Resolution No. 500), filed 11/5/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.105, 79.90.300, 79.90.455, 79.90.460, 79.90.470, 79.90.475, 79.90.520, 79.68.010, 79.68.68 [ 79.68.080] and chapter 79.93 RCW.
332-30-161Aquaculture. [Statutory Authority: RCW 79.90.105, 79.90.300, 79.90.455, 79.90.460, 79.90.470, 79.90.475, 79.90.520, 79.68.010, 79.68.68 [ 79.68.080], and chapter 79.93 RCW. WSR 85-22-066 (Resolution No. 500), § 332-30-161, filed 11/5/85.] Repealed by WSR 00-19-005, filed 9/6/00, effective 10/7/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150, 79.90.540.
332-30-169Artificial reefs (RCW 79.68.080). [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150. WSR 80-09-005 (Order 343), § 332-30-169, filed 7/3/80.] Repealed by WSR 00-19-006, filed 9/6/00, effective 10/7/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.30.150, 79.90.540.