PDFWAC 365-196-475

Land use compatibility with military installations.

(1) Military installations are of particular importance to the economic health of the state of Washington. It is a priority of the state to protect the land surrounding military installations from incompatible development. Military training, testing, and operating areas are also critical to the mission viability of Washington's military installations.
(2) A comprehensive plan, amendment to a comprehensive plan, a development regulation, or amendment to a development regulation, should not allow development in the vicinity of a military installation that is incompatible with the installation's ability to carry out its mission requirements. A county or city may find that an existing comprehensive plan or development regulations are compatible with the installation's ability to carry out its mission requirements.
(3) As part of the requirements of RCW 36.70A.070(1), each county or city planning under the act that has a federal military installation, other than a reserve center, that employs 100 or more personnel and is operated by the United States Department of Defense within or adjacent to its border, must notify the commander of the military installation of the county's or city's intent to amend its comprehensive plan or development regulations to address lands adjacent to the military installation to ensure those lands are protected from incompatible development.
(4) The notice must request from the commander of the military installation a written recommendation and supporting facts relating to the use of land being considered in the adoption of a comprehensive plan or an amendment to a plan. The notice must provide 60 days for a response from the commander. If the commander does not submit a response to such request within 60 days, the county or city may presume that implementation of the proposed plan or amendment will not have any adverse effect on the operation of the military installation.
(5) When a county or city intends to amend its development regulations to be consistent with the comprehensive plan elements addressed in subsection (4) of this section, notice shall be provided to the commander of the military installation consistent with subsection (3) of this section. The notice shall request from the commander of the military installation a written recommendation and supporting facts relating to the use of land being considered in the amendment to the development regulations. The notice shall provide 60 days for a response from the commander to the requesting government. If the commander does not submit a response to such request within 60 days, the local government may presume that implementation of the proposed development regulation or amendment will not have any adverse effect on the operation of the installation.
(6) Counties must provide written notification to the Department of Defense upon receipt of an application for a permit to site an energy plant or alternative energy resource that is connected to electrical transmission facilities of a nominal voltage of at least 115,000 volts. Counties should consider comprehensive plan policies or development regulations to ensure compliance with the notice requirements in RCW 36.01.320.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 36.70A.050 and 36.70A.190. WSR 23-08-037, § 365-196-475, filed 3/29/23, effective 4/29/23; WSR 10-03-085, § 365-196-475, filed 1/19/10, effective 2/19/10.]