(1) An acute care hospital may submit a referral to home and community services under the following circumstances:
(a) Acute care hospital clinicians have determined that the person likely needs a guardian or conservator;
(b) The acute care hospital has a good faith belief that the person meets the eligibility requirements to participate in the program;
(c) The acute care hospital has documented due diligence in attempting to identify a proposed guardian or conservator;
(d) The acute care hospital has submitted a long-term care medicaid application to DSHS on behalf of the person;
(e) The acute care hospital provides complete referral documents as required by DSHS; and
(f) The acute care hospital has, or will file, a petition for guardianship or conservatorship.
(2) DSHS, in its sole discretion, and subject to available funds, may waive the requirement of subsection (f) of this section and file a petition for guardianship or conservatorship or both instead of the referring acute care hospital.