(1) The provider must have written policies and procedures about the control of infections. These must include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
(a) Isolation of sick individuals;
(b) Germ control procedures;
(c) Hygiene, including hand washing, toileting, and laundering;
(d) Prevention of the transmission of communicable diseases including management and reporting;
(e) First aid;
(f) Care of minor illnesses;
(g) Actions to be taken for medical emergencies; and
(h) General health practices.
(2) The provider must promote personal hygiene to help prevent the spread of germs.
(3) The provider must provide staff with the supplies necessary for limiting the spread of infections.
(4) Staff with a reportable communicable disease or a notifiable disease condition in an infectious stage, as defined by the department of health in chapter
246-101 WAC, must not be on duty until they have a healthcare professional's approval for returning to work.