PDFWAC 478-116-202

Micromobility device storage and parking (nonmotorized).

(1) Storage of micromobility devices within residence halls is determined by housing and food services.
(2) Micromobility devices that are nonmotorized and cannot be secured to a rack or within a designated parking facility may be taken into buildings so long as they are not:
(a) Blocking or hindering access to any stairway, ramp, or doorway;
(b) Obstructing access or mobility within a building; and
(c) Are stored within close proximity of the owner/operator and can be moved at the request of authorized agents.
(3) Long-term storage and parking of micromobility devices exceeding five business days is not permitted within university facilities.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.560 and [28B.]20.130. WSR 21-11-058, ยง 478-116-202, filed 5/14/21, effective 6/14/21.]