(ii) The agricultural employer may replace the Spanish language portion of the warning sign with equivalent terms in an alternative non-English language if that alternative language is the language read by the largest group of workers at that agricultural establishment who do not read English. The alternative language sign must be in the same format as the original sign and conform to all other requirements of (b)(i) of this subsection.
(c) Size and posting.
(i) The standard sign must be at least fourteen inches by sixteen inches with letters at least one inch in height.
(ii) When posting an outdoor production area using the standard sign, the signs must be visible from all reasonably expected points of worker entry to the treated area, including at least each access road, each border with any worker housing area within one hundred feet of the treated area and each footpath and other walking route that enters the treated area. Where there are no reasonably expected points of worker entry, signs must be posted in the corners of the treated area or in any other location affording maximum visibility.
(iii) When posting an enclosed space production area using the standard sign and the entire structure or space is subject to the labeling-specified restricted-entry interval and the post-application entry restrictions specified in WAC
16-233-116, the signs must be posted so they are visible from all reasonably expected points of worker entry to the structure or space. When posting treated areas in enclosed space production using the standard sign and the treated area only comprises a subsection of the structure or space, the signs must be posted so they are visible from all reasonably expected points of worker entry to the treated area including each aisle or other walking route that enters the treated area. Where there are no reasonably expected points of worker entry to the treated area, signs must be posted in the corners of the treated area or in any other location affording maximum visibility.
(iv) If a smaller warning sign is used with "DANGER" and "PELIGRO" in letters at least 7/8 inch in height and the remaining letters at least 1/2 inch in height and a red circle at least three inches in diameter containing an upraised hand and a stern face, the signs must be posted no farther than fifty feet apart around the perimeter of the treated area in addition to the locations specified in (c)(ii) or (iii) of this subsection.
(v) If a smaller sign is used with "DANGER" and "PELIGRO" in letters at least 7/16 inch in height and the remaining letters at least 1/4 inch in height and a red circle at least one and a half inches in diameter containing an upraised hand and a stern face, the signs must be posted no farther than twenty-five feet apart around the perimeter of the treated area in addition to the locations specified in (c)(ii) or (iii) of this subsection.
(vi) A sign with "DANGER" and "PELIGRO" in letters less than 7/16 inch in height or with any words in letters less than 1/4 inch in height or a red circle smaller than one and a half inches in diameter containing an upraised hand and a stern face will not satisfy the requirements of this chapter.
(3) Oral warnings - Requirement. If oral notification is required pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the agricultural employer must provide oral warnings to workers in a manner that the workers can understand. If a worker will be on the establishment when an application begins, the warning must be given before the application begins. If a worker arrives on the establishment while an application is taking place or a restricted-entry interval for a pesticide application is in effect, the warning must be given at the beginning of the worker's work period. The warning must include all of the following:
(a) The location(s) and description of any treated area(s) subject to the entry restrictions during and after application specified in WAC
16-233-111 and
(b) The dates and times during which entry is restricted in any treated area(s) subject to the entry restrictions during and after application specified in WAC
16-233-111 and
(c) Instructions not to enter the treated area or an application exclusion zone during application, and that entry to the treated area is not allowed until the restricted-entry interval has expired and all treated area warning signs have been removed or covered, except for entry permitted by WAC
[Statutory Authority: RCW
17.21.030 and chapter
34.05 RCW. WSR 18-01-054, § 16-233-121, filed 12/13/17, effective 1/13/18.]