(Effective July 1, 2020)

PDFWAC 51-50-0713

Section 713Shaft enclosures.

713.13.4 Chute discharge room. Waste or linen chutes shall discharge into an enclosed room separated by fire barriers with a fire-resistance rating not less than the required fire rating of the shaft enclosure and constructed in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both. Openings into the discharge room from the remainder of the building shall be protected by opening protectives having a fire-protection rating equal to the protection required for the shaft enclosure. Through penetrations of piping and conduit not necessary for the purpose of the chute discharge room are permitted as long as they are protected in accordance with Section 714 and do not impact the operation of the trash collection system. Doors shall be self- or automatic-closing upon the detection of smoke in accordance with Section 716.2.6.6. Waste chutes shall not terminate in an incinerator room. Waste and linen rooms that are not provided with chutes need only comply with Table 509.
713.13.7 Chute venting and roof termination. The full diameter of waste and linen chutes shall extend a minimum of 3 feet (0.92 m) above the building roof and be gravity vented in accordance with International Mechanical Code Section 515.
1. Where mechanically ventilated in accordance with International Mechanical Code Section 515 the full diameter of the chute shall extend through the roof a minimum of 3 feet (0.92 m) and terminate at a blast cap. The mechanical exhaust connection shall tap into the side of the blast cap extension above the roof.
2. Where the trash chute does not extend to the upper floor of the building below the roof the trash chute shall be permitted to gravity vent to a sidewall louver termination. The horizontal extension of the trash chute shall be the full diameter of the chute and shall be enclosed in rated construction equal to the rating of the shaft enclosure. Where the chute is mechanically ventilated in accordance with International Mechanical Code Section 515 the blast cap shall terminate behind the louver and the exhaust fan and duct connection will be enclosed in the rated shaft.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.031 and 19.27.074. WSR 20-01-090, § 51-50-0713, filed 12/12/19, effective 7/1/20.]