M1505.1 General. Domestic open-top broiler units shall have a metal exhaust hood, having a minimum thickness of 0.0157-inch (0.3950 mm) (No. 28 gage) with 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) clearance between the hood and the underside of combustible material or cabinets. A clearance of not less than 24 inches (610 mm) shall be maintained between the cooking surface and the combustible material or cabinet. The hood shall be not less than the width of the broiler unit, extend over the entire unit, and when located inside the building envelope, shall discharge to the outdoors and be equipped with a backdraft damper or other means to control infiltration/exfiltration when not in operation. Broiler units incorporating an integral exhaust system, and listed and labeled for use without an exhaust hood, or broiler units permanently installed outside the building envelope and having the cooking surface at least 5'0" below a 1-hour fire resistance rated ceiling, need not have an exhaust hood.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
19.27.031 and
19.27.074. WSR 16-03-025, § 51-51-1505, filed 1/11/16, effective 7/1/16.]