PDFWAC 51-51-1507

Section M1507Mechanical ventilation.

M1507.1 General. Local exhaust and whole-house mechanical ventilation systems and equipment shall be designed in accordance with this section.
M1507.2 Recirculation of air. Exhaust air from bathrooms and toilet rooms shall not be recirculated within a residence or to another dwelling unit and shall be exhausted directly to the outdoors. Exhaust air from bathrooms and toilet rooms shall not discharge into an attic, crawl space or other areas of the building.
M1507.3 Whole-house mechanical ventilation system. Whole-house mechanical ventilation systems shall be designed in accordance with Sections M1507.3.1 through M1507.3.3.
M1507.3.1 System design. Each dwelling unit or guestroom shall be equipped with a ventilation system complying with Section M1507.3.4, M1507.3.5, M1507.3.6 or M1507.3.7. Compliance is also permitted to be demonstrated through compliance with the International Mechanical Code or ASHRAE Standard 62.2.
M1507.3.2 Control and operation.
1. Location of controls. Controls for all ventilation systems shall be readily accessible by the occupant.
2. Instructions. Operating instructions for whole-house ventilation systems shall be provided to the occupant by the installer of the system.
3. Local exhaust systems. Local exhaust systems shall be controlled by manual switches, dehumidistats, timers, or other approved means.
4. Continuous whole-house ventilation systems. Continuous whole-house ventilation systems shall operate continuously and be equipped with an override control. A "fan on" switch shall be permitted as an override control. Controls shall be capable of operating the ventilation system without energizing other energy-consuming appliances. A clearly visible label shall be affixed to the controls that reads "Whole House Ventilation (see operating instructions)."
5. Intermittent whole-house ventilation systems. Intermittent whole-house ventilation systems shall comply with the following:
5.1. They shall be capable of operating intermittently and continuously.
5.2. They shall have controls capable of operating the exhaust fans, forced-air system fans, or supply fans without energizing other energy-consuming appliances.
5.3. The ventilation rate shall be adjusted according to the exception in Section 403.8.5.1.
5.4. The system shall be designed so that it can operate automatically based on the type of control timer installed.
5.5. The intermittent mechanical ventilation system shall operate at least one hour out of every four.
5.6. The system shall have a manual control and automatic control, such as a 24-hour clock timer.
5.7. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control shall be set to operate the whole-house fan according to the schedule used to calculate the whole-house fan sizing.
5.8. A label shall be affixed to the control that reads "Whole House Ventilation (see operating instructions)."
M1507.3.2.1 Operating instructions. Installers shall provide the manufacturer's installation, operating instructions, and a whole-house ventilation system operation description.
M1507.3.3 Mechanical ventilation rate. The whole-house mechanical ventilation system shall provide outdoor air to each dwelling unit at a continuous rate of not less than that determined in accordance with Table M1507.3.3(1).
The whole-house mechanical ventilation system is permitted to operate intermittently where the system has controls that enable operation for not less than 25 percent of each 4-hour segment and the ventilation rate prescribed in Table M1507.3.3(1) is multiplied by the factor determined in accordance with Table M1507.3.3(2).
Table M1507.3.3(1)
Continuous Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation System Airflow Rate Requirements
Dwelling Unit
Floor Area (square feet)
0 - 1
2 - 3
4 - 5
6 - 7
˃ 7
Airflow in CFM
< 1,500
1,501 - 3,000
3,001 - 4,500
4,501 - 6,000
6,001 - 7,500
˃ 7,501
For SI: 1 square foot = 0.0929 m2, 1 cubic foot per minute = 0.0004719 m3/S.
Table M1507.3.3(2)
Intermittent Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation Rate Factorsa, b
Run-Time Percentage in Each
4-Hour Segment
For ventilation system run time values between those given, the factors are permitted to be determined by interpolation.
Extrapolation beyond the table is prohibited.
M1507.3.4 Whole-house ventilation using exhaust fans. This section establishes minimum prescriptive requirements for whole-house ventilation systems using exhaust fans. A system which meets all the requirements of this section shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for a whole-house ventilation system.
M1507.3.4.1 Whole-house ventilation fans. Exhaust fans providing whole-house ventilation shall have a flow rating at 0.25 inches water gauge as specified in Table M1507.3.3(1). Manufacturers' fan flow ratings shall be determined according to HVI 916 or AMCA 210.
M1507.3.4.2 Fan noise. Whole-house fans located 4 feet or less from the interior grille shall have a sone rating of 1.0 or less measured at 0.1 inches water gauge. Manufacturer's noise ratings shall be determined as per HVI 915 (March 2009). Remotely mounted fans shall be acoustically isolated from the structural elements of the building and from attached duct work using insulated flexible duct or other approved material.
M1507.3.4.3 Fan controls. The whole-house ventilation fan shall meet the requirements of Section M1507.3.2 and M1507.3.2.1.
M1507.3.4.4Ventilation openings. Each habitable space shall be provided with outdoor air inlets or operable windows with an openable area not less than 4 square inches of net free area of opening for each 10 cfm of outdoor air required by Table M1507.3.3(1). Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, provisions shall be made to ensure air flow by installation of distribution ducts, undercutting doors, installation of grilles, transoms, or similar means. Doors shall be undercut to a minimum of 1/2 inch above the surface of the finish floor covering.
Individual room outdoor air inlets shall:
1. Have controllable and secure openings;
2. Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed;
3. Any inlet or combination of inlets which provide 10 cfm at 10 Pascals are deemed equivalent to 4 square inches net free area.
Ventilation opening shall be screened or otherwise protected from entry by leaves or other material. Openings shall be controllable, securable and shall be designed to not compromise the thermal properties of the building envelope. Ventilation openings shall be located so as not to take air from the following areas:
1. Closer than 10 feet from an appliance vent outlet, unless such vent outlet is 3 feet above the outdoor air inlet.
2. Where it will pick up objectionable odors, fumes or flammable vapors.
3. A hazardous or unsanitary location.
4. A room or space having any fuel-burning appliances therein.
5. Closer than 10 feet from a vent opening of a plumbing drainage system unless the vent opening is at least 3 feet above the air inlet.
6. Attic, crawl spaces, or garages.
7. Asphalt roofs unless it is shown that no other location is permissible. In such cases the inlet opening shall be located a minimum of 2 feet from the nearest surface of the asphalt roofing, measured from the intake opening.
M1507.3.5 Whole-house ventilation integrated with a forced-air system. This section establishes minimum prescriptive requirements for whole-house ventilation systems integrated with forced-air ventilation systems. A system which meets all the requirements of this section shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for a whole-house ventilation system.
M1507.3.5.1 Integrated whole-house ventilation systems. Integrated whole-house ventilation systems shall provide outdoor air at the rate calculated using Section M1507.3.3. Integrated forced-air ventilation systems shall distribute outdoor air to each habitable space through the forced-air system ducts. Integrated forced-air ventilation systems shall have an outdoor air inlet duct connecting a terminal element on the outside of the building to the return air plenum of the forced-air system, at a point within 4 feet upstream of the air handler. The outdoor air inlet duct connection to the return air stream shall be located upstream of the forced-air system blower and shall not be connected directly into a furnace cabinet to prevent thermal shock to the heat exchanger. The system will be equipped with a motorized damper connected to the automatic ventilation control as specified in Section M1507.3.2. The required flow rate shall be verified by field testing with a flow hood or a flow measuring station.
M1507.3.5.2 Ventilation duct insulation. All supply ducts in the conditioned space shall be insulated to a minimum of R-4.
M1507.3.5.3 Outdoor air inlets. Inlets shall be screened or otherwise protected from entry by leaves or other material. Outdoor air inlets shall be located so as not to take air from the following areas:
1. Closer than 10 feet from an appliance vent outlet, unless such vent outlet is 3 feet above the outdoor air inlet.
2. Where it will pick up objectionable odors, fumes or flammable vapors.
3. A hazardous or unsanitary location.
4. A room or space having any fuel-burning appliances therein.
5. Closer than 10 feet from a vent opening of a plumbing drainage system unless the vent opening is at least 3 feet above the air inlet.
6. Attic, crawl spaces, or garages.
M1507.3.6 Whole-house ventilation using a supply fan. This section establishes minimum prescriptive requirements for whole-house ventilation systems using an inline supply fan. A system which meets all the requirements of this section shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for a whole-house ventilation system.
M1507.3.6.1 Outdoor air. Supply fan ventilation systems shall distribute outdoor air to each habitable space through the forced-air system ducts or through dedicated ducts to each habitable space. Supply fans shall have the capacity to provide the amount of outdoor air specified in Table M1507.3.3(1) at 0.40 inches water gauge as per HVI 916. The outdoor air must be filtered before it is delivered to habitable spaces. The filter may be located at the intake device, in line with the fan, or, in the case of a connection to the return plenum of the air handler, using the furnace filter. An outdoor air inlet shall be connected to either the supply or return air stream.
M1507.3.6.2 Ducts. An outdoor air inlet duct connection to the supply air stream shall be located downstream of the forced-air system blower. An outdoor air inlet duct connection to the return air stream shall be located at least 4 feet upstream of the forced-air system blower and its filter. Neither type of duct shall be connected directly into a furnace cabinet to prevent thermal shock to the heat exchanger. The outdoor air inlet duct shall be prescriptively sized in accordance with Table M1507.3.6.2. The terminal element on the outside of the building shall be sized 2 inches in diameter larger than the outdoor air inlet duct.
Table M1507.3.6.2
Prescriptive Supply Fan Duct Sizing
Supply Fan Tested cfm at 0.40" wg
Specified Volume from Table 1507.3.3(1)
Minimum Smooth Duct Diameter
Minimum Flexible Duct Diameter
50 - 90 cfm
4 inch
5 inch
90 - 150 cfm
5 inch
6 inch
150 - 250 cfm
6 inch
7 inch
250 - 400 cfm
7 inch
8 inch
M1507.3.6.3 Dampers. The system shall be equipped with a back-draft damper and one of the following:
1. A calibrated manual volume damper installed and set to meet the measured flow rates specified in Table M1507.3.3(1) by field testing with a pressure gauge and/or following manufacturer's installation instructions; or
2. A manual volume damper installed and set to meet the measured flow rates specified in Table M1507.3.3(1) by field testing with a flow hood or a flow measuring station; or
3. An automatic flow-regulating device sized to the specified flow rates in Table M1507.3.3(1) which provides constant flow over a pressure range of 0.20 to 0.60 inches water gauge.
M1507.3.6.4 Ventilation duct insulation. All supply ducts in the conditioned space shall be insulated to a minimum of R-4.
M1507.3.6.5 Outdoor air inlets. Inlets shall be screened or otherwise protected from entry by leaves or other material. Outdoor air inlets shall be located so as not to take air from the following areas:
1. Closer than 10 feet from an appliance vent outlet, unless such vent outlet is 3 feet above the outdoor air inlet.
2. Where it will pick up objectionable odors, fumes or flammable vapors.
3. A hazardous or unsanitary location.
4. A room or space having any fuel-burning appliances therein.
5. Closer than 10 feet from a vent opening of a plumbing drainage system unless the vent opening is at least 3 feet above the air inlet.
6. Attic, crawl spaces, or garages.
M1507.3.7 Whole-house ventilation using a heat recovery ventilation system. This section establishes minimum prescriptive requirements for whole-house ventilation using a heat recovery ventilation system.
M1507.3.7.1 Heat recovery ventilation systems. All duct work in heat recovery systems shall be sized and installed per the manufacturer's instructions. System minimum flow rating shall be not less than that specified in Table M1507.3.3(1). Heat recovery ventilation systems shall have a filter on the upstream side of the heat exchanger in both the intake and exhaust airstreams with a minimum efficiency rating value (MERV) of 6.
M1507.3.7.2 Ventilation duct insulation. All supply ducts in the conditioned space installed upstream of the heat exchanger shall be insulated to a minimum of R-4.
M1507.3.7.3 Outdoor air inlets. Inlets shall be screened or otherwise protected from entry by leaves or other material. Outdoor air inlets shall be located so as not to take air from the following areas:
1. Closer than 10 feet from an appliance vent outlet, unless such vent outlet is 3 feet above the outdoor air inlet.
2. Where it will pick up objectionable odors, fumes or flammable vapors.
3. A hazardous or unsanitary location.
4. A room or space having any fuel-burning appliances therein.
5. Closer than 10 feet from a vent opening of a plumbing drainage system unless the vent opening is at least 3 feet above the air inlet.
6. Attic, crawl spaces, or garages.
M1507.4 Local exhaust. Local exhaust shall be provided in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa, and other rooms where water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Local exhaust systems shall be designed to have the capacity to exhaust the minimum air flow rate determined in accordance with Table M1507.4.
Table M1507.4
Minimum Required Local Exhaust Rates
For One- and Two-Family Dwellings
Area to Be Exhausted
Exhaust Rates
100 cfm intermittent or 25 cfm continuous
Bathrooms - Toilet rooms
Laundry rooms, indoor swimming pools, and spas
Mechanical exhaust capacity of 50 cfm intermittent or
20 cfm continuous
For SI:
1 cubic foot per minute = 0.0004719 m3/s.
M1507.4.1 Local exhaust fans. Exhaust fans providing local exhaust shall have a minimum fan flow rating not less than 50 cfm at 0.25 inches water gauge for bathrooms, laundries, or similar rooms and 100 cfm at 0.25 inches water gauge for kitchens. Manufacturers' fan flow ratings shall be determined as per HVI 916 (April 1995) or AMCA 210.
Where a range hood or down draft exhaust fan is used to satisfy the local exhaust requirements for kitchens, the range hood or down draft exhaust shall not be less than 100 cfm at 0.10 inches water gauge.
M1507.4.2 Local exhaust controls. Local exhaust systems shall be controlled by manual switches, dehumidistats, timers, or other approved means. Local exhaust system controls shall be readily accessible.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.031 and 19.27.074. WSR 16-03-025, § 51-51-1507, filed 1/11/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.031 and chapters 19.27 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 13-04-068, § 51-51-1507, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.031 and 19.27.074. WSR 10-03-098, § 51-51-1507, filed 1/20/10, effective 7/1/10.]