PDFWAC 82-48-060

Public records available.

All public records of this agency, as defined in RCW 42.56.010, are available for public inspection and copying pursuant to these rules, except as otherwise provided by chapter 42.56 RCW, any other laws and these rules.
OFM's records are also available on the OFM web site at http://ofm.wa.gov. Requestors are encouraged to view the documents available on the web site prior to submitting a records request.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 42.56.040, 42.56.070, 42.56.100, 42.56.120, 42.56.520 and 2017 c 304. WSR 18-09-018, § 82-48-060, filed 4/10/18, effective 5/11/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.260. WSR 05-01-004, § 82-48-060, filed 12/1/04, effective 1/2/05; Order 34, § 82-48-060, filed 9/16/76.]