PDFWAC 98-80-010


(1) "Authorizing agent" means the person(s) legally entitled to control the disposition of the human remains.
(2) "Crematory authority or endorsement" the legal entity and their authorized representatives, licensed to perform cremations.
(3) "Cremation chamber" means the enclosed space in a crematory in which the cremation process takes place.
(4) "Pulverization" is the reduction of identifiable bone fragments to unidentifiable dimensions by manual or mechanical means following cremation.
(5) "Processing" is the removal of foreign objects from cremated human remains and may include pulverization.
(6) "Cremation container" means the container in which the human remains must be enclosed before being placed in the cremation chamber for cremation. A cremation container must:
• Be composed of a combustible material. If the remains are delivered to a crematory in a noncombustible container, the authorizing agent must be informed of the disposition of the container, if the container is not actually used in the cremation process. Any transfer of human remains to combustible containers at the crematory must be in accordance with chapter 18.39 RCW, Title 308 WAC, and applicable public health laws.
• Be rigid enough for placement into the cremation chamber.
• Assure protection to the health and safety of the crematory operators and others.
• Provide a proper covering for the human remains.
• Be resistant to leakage or spillage of body fluids.
(7) "Sealable container" means any container in which cremated human remains can be placed and closed to prevent leakage or spillage of cremated human remains.
(8) "Holding facility" means an area designated for the care, storage and holding of human remains prior to disposition. A holding facility must:
• Comply with any applicable public health laws.
• Preserve the dignity of the human remains.
• Recognize the personal integrity, health and safety of employees and others.
• Be secure from access by anyone other than authorized personnel.
(9) "Cadaver" means human remains or any part thereof, which has been donated to science for medical research purposes.
(10) "Body parts" means limbs and other portions of human anatomy that have been removed from a person or human remains for medical purposes during treatment, surgery, biopsy, autopsy or medical research.
(11) "Commingling" means the mixing of cremated human remains of more than one deceased person.
(12) "Residue" means the cremation products that may unavoidably remain in the cremation chamber after manual sweeping techniques are performed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 68.05.105 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 07-11-088, § 98-80-010, filed 5/15/07, effective 6/15/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 68.05.100. WSR 02-19-018, § 98-80-010, filed 9/9/02, effective 10/10/02.]