Within the college community there are several readily identifiable library material user groups for which the character and intensity of use differs. The primary groups are credit and noncredit students, faculty, administrative personnel and nonacademic staff. Borrowers are classified as:
(1) Credit students;
(2) Employees of the district;
(3) Continuing education, noncredit students.
The instructional resources center may extend services on proper identification to persons not affiliated with the college. Borrowing privileges may be extended to such persons if they reside within Seattle College District VI, or if they are a duly enrolled student or faculty member of one of the other state community colleges, or if they are spouses of . . . . . . College faculty, administrative or nonacademic staff members. The instructional resources center extends services to other libraries through the "interlibrary loan" process. These borrowers are classified as:
(4) Community patrons;
(5) Reciprocal students and faculty from other state community colleges;
(6) Spouses of borrower class (2);
(7) Retired faculty of . . . . . . College;
(8) Other libraries through the "interlibrary loan" process.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.50.140(13) and
42.56.040. WSR 15-02-072, § 132F-162-040, filed 1/6/15, effective 2/6/15; Order 17, § 132F-162-040, filed 5/22/73.]