The college will have a SCB composed of five members who will serve as a standing committee until a decision is made regarding the case. The membership of the SCB during a hearing will consist of four members chosen and approved by the SCO and vice president of student services, two students in good standing, and two faculty members. The fifth member is the chairperson, who may be of any category of college employee and who shall be approved by the president of the college. The chairperson will preside at the disciplinary hearing and will provide administrative oversight through the hearing process. The chairperson may participate in committee deliberations but will not vote unless it is necessary to constitute a quorum or the vote of the SCB is tied, at which time the chairperson will cast the deciding vote. Any three persons constitute a quorum of a conduct board and may act, provided that at least one student, one faculty, and the chairperson are present.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.50.140. WSR 16-12-039, § 132S-100-105, filed 5/25/16, effective 6/25/16.]