As used in this Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities the following words and phrases shall mean:
(1) Associated student body (ASB) SPSCC senate means the representative governing body for students, also referred to as student government, at South Puget Sound Community College recognized by the board of trustees.
(2) Assembly means any overt activity engaged in by two or more persons, the object of which is to gain publicity, advocate a view, petition for a cause or disseminate information to any person, persons or group of persons.
(3) Board means the board of trustees of South Puget Sound Community College District 24, state of Washington.
(4) College means South Puget Sound Community College, District 24.
(5) College facilities means and includes any or all real and personal property owned or operated by the college and shall include all buildings and appurtenances affixed thereon or attached thereto.
(6) College personnel refers to any person employed by Community College District 24 on a full-time or part-time basis.
(7) Disciplinary action means and includes dismissal or any lesser sanction of any student by the vice president for student services, the student judicial board, or the college president for the violation of any of the provisions of the code of student rights and responsibilities for which such sanctions may be imposed.
(a) The college president or designee shall have the authority to take any disciplinary action including the authority to suspend any student of the college for a period not to exceed ten academic calendar days.
(b) The college president or designee shall have the authority to take any disciplinary action including the authority to dismiss any student of the college.
(8) District means Community College District 24, state of Washington.
(9) Hazing includes any method of initiation into a student organization or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization or living group that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical harm, or serious mental or emotional harm, to any student or other person attending the college. Hazing does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions.
(10) Initiation means the ceremonies or rites by which a person is admitted into a club, organization, or living group not amounting to hazing. Initiation conduct may include embarrassments, ridicule, sleep deprivation, verbal abuse or personal humiliation.
(11) President means the duly appointed chief executive officer of South Puget Sound Community College, District 24, state of Washington, or in his/her absence, the designee.
(12) Recognized student organization means and includes any group or organization composed of students which is recognized formally by the college.
(13) A sponsored event or activity means any activity that is scheduled by the college or a recognized student organization and is supervised and controlled by college personnel. Such sponsorship shall continue only as long as the event is supervised and controlled by college personnel. When the sponsored event or activity is of a prolonged nature, and free time periods are permitted to the students participating in the event, any activity taking place during such a free time period outside of the supervision and control of college personnel responsible for the event or activity shall be deemed to be a nonsponsored activity.
(14) Student, unless otherwise qualified, means and includes any person who is enrolled for classes.