PDFWAC 170-03-0400

Introduction of evidence into the record.

(1) The ALJ may set a deadline before the hearing for the parties to provide proposed exhibits and names of witnesses to the ALJ and to all other parties. If the parties miss the deadline, the ALJ may refuse to admit the evidence unless the parties show:
(a) They have good cause for missing the deadline; or
(b) The other parties agree to waive the deadline.
(2) The ALJ may admit and consider hearsay evidence. Hearsay is a statement made outside of the hearing used to prove the truth of what is in the statement. The ALJ may only base a finding on hearsay evidence if the ALJ finds that the parties had the opportunity to question or contradict it.
(3) The ALJ may reject evidence, if it:
(a) Is not relevant;
(b) Repeats evidence already admitted;
(c) Is from a privileged communication protected by law; or
(d) Is otherwise legally improper.
(4) Except in cases where the department's notice of adverse action alleges the person lacks the character to provide for the needs of any child in care or to have unsupervised access to any child in care, evidence regarding character or reputation shall not be admissible. In cases where such evidence is admissible, the ALJ shall exercise reasonable control over the number of character witnesses so as to avoid duplication of testimony and evidence and needless consumption of time.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.215 RCW, RCW 34.05.220, chapter 34.05 RCW, 2006 c 265. WSR 08-06-102, § 170-03-0400, filed 3/5/08, effective 4/5/08.]