For purposes of determining eligibility for modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)–based Washington apple health (WAH) (see WAC
(1) Some types of income are not counted when determining eligibility for MAGI-based WAH. Under the MAGI income methodology described in WAC
182-509-0300, income is not counted if the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) permits it to be excluded or deducted for purposes of determining the tax liability of a person. (See 26 U.S.C. Sections 62(a) and 101-140.)
(2) Examples of income that are not counted include, but are not limited to:
(a) Bona fide loans, except certain student loans as specified under WAC
(b) Federal income tax refunds and earned income tax credit (EITC) payments for up to twelve months from the date received;
(c) Child support payments received by any person included in household size under WAC
(d) Time loss benefits or other compensation received for sickness or injury, such as benefits from the department of labor and industries (L&I) or a private insurance company;
(e) Title IV-E and state foster care maintenance payments;
(f) Veteran's benefits including, but not limited to, disability compensation and pension payments for disabilities paid to the veteran or family members; education, training and subsistence; benefits under a dependent-care assistance program for veterans, housebound allowance and aid and attendance benefits;
(g) Educational assistance that is not counted under WAC
(h) Native American benefits and payments that are not counted under WAC
(i) Income from employment and training programs that is not counted under WAC
(j) Needs-based assistance from other agencies or organizations that is not counted under WAC
(k) Money withheld from a benefit to repay an overpayment from the same income source;
(l) One-time payments issued under the Department of State or Department of Justice reception and replacement programs, such as Voluntary Agency (VOLAG) payments;
(m) Any portion of income used to repay the cost of obtaining that income source;
(n) Insurance proceeds or other income received as a result of being a Holocaust survivor;
(o) Federal economic stimulus payments that are excluded for federal and federally assisted state programs;
(p) Federal twenty-five dollar supplement weekly unemployment compensation payment authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009;
(q) Income from a sponsor given to a sponsored immigrant;
(r) Energy assistance payments;
(s) Fringe benefits provided on a pretax basis by an employer, such as transportation benefits or moving expenses;
(t) Employer contributions to certain pretax benefits funded by an employee's elective salary reduction, such as amounts for a flexible spending account;
(u) Distribution of pension payments paid by the employee (such as premiums or contributions) that were previously subject to tax;
(v) Gifts or inheritances to the person that are not counted under WAC
(w) Death benefits from life insurance and certain benefits paid for deaths that occur in the line of duty; and
(x) Other payments that are excluded from income under state or federal law.
(3) Income received from the following cash programs is not countable income for MAGI-based WAH programs:
(a) Diversion cash assistance (DCA);
(b) Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF);
(c) State family assistance (SFA);
(d) Pregnant women's assistance (PWA);
(e) Refugee cash assistance (RCA);
(f) Aged, blind, disabled cash assistance (ABD); and
(g) Supplemental security income (SSI).