(1) It is the responsibility of the builder or manufacturer of each new building, mobile home or factory built housing to install smoke detection devices within each dwelling unit.
(2) It is the responsibility of the owner of each existing building, mobile home or factory built housing to install smoke detection devices within each dwelling unit occupied by persons other than the owner.
(3) It is the responsibility of the owner of each new or existing building, mobile home or factory built housing, containing dwelling units occupied by persons other than the owner, to inspect and test all smoke detection devices at the time of vacancy and make the necessary repairs or replacements to insure that the smoke detection devices are operational prior to reoccupancy, and to instruct the occupants of the purpose, operation and maintenance of the smoke detection device(s).
[Statutory Authority: RCW
48.48.140. WSR 81-04-058 (Order FM 81-2), § 212-10-045, filed 2/4/81.]