(1) WAC
220-330-120 through
220-330-140 shall not apply to private tideland owners or lessees of state tidelands or immediate family members taking or possessing oysters, clams, cockles, borers and mussels for personal use from their own tidelands or leased state tidelands.
(2) This section shall not apply to razor clams.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
77.04.055, and
77.12.047. WSR 17-05-112 (Order 17-04), amended and recodified as § 220-330-150, filed 2/15/17, effective 3/18/17. Statutory Authority: RCW
75.08.080. WSR 94-14-069, § 220-56-382, filed 7/1/94, effective 8/1/94; WSR 93-08-034 (Order 93-20), § 220-56-382, filed 3/31/93, effective 5/1/93; WSR 86-09-020 (Order 86-08), § 220-56-382, filed 4/9/86; WSR 80-13-064 (Order 80-123), § 220-56-382, filed 9/17/80.]