Chapter 220-415 WAC

Last Update: 11/5/19


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF220-415-010Deer area descriptions.
HTMLPDF220-415-0202018-2020 Deer general seasons and definitions.
HTMLPDF220-415-0302019 Deer special permits.
HTMLPDF220-415-040Elk area descriptions.
HTMLPDF220-415-0502018-2020 Elk general seasons and definitions.
HTMLPDF220-415-0602019 Elk special permits.
HTMLPDF220-415-0702019 Moose seasons, permit quotas, and areas.
HTMLPDF220-415-0802020 Spring black bear special permits.
HTMLPDF220-415-0902019-2020 Fall black bear hunting seasons and regulations.
HTMLPDF220-415-1002018-2019 and 2019-2020 Cougar hunting seasons and regulations.
HTMLPDF220-415-110Bighorn sheep—Marking requirements.
HTMLPDF220-415-1202019 Bighorn sheep seasons and permit quotas.
HTMLPDF220-415-1302019 Mountain goat seasons and permit quotas.