HTMLPDF | 220-416-010 | 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021 Small game and other wildlife seasons and regulations. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-020 | Official hunting hours for big game animals, rabbits, hares, fox, and forest grouse. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-030 | Live decoys unlawful—Waterfowl and wild turkey. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-040 | Hunting predatory birds. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-050 | Official hunting hours for game birds—Migratory game birds, upland birds, and wild turkeys. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-060 | 2019-2020 Migratory waterfowl seasons and regulations. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-070 | Columbia, Snake, and Yakima River waterfowl, coot, and snipe closures. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-080 | Lynch Cove and Union River hunting area restriction (Mason County). |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-090 | Northern Puget Sound hunting method restriction. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-100 | Baiting of game birds—Unlawful. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-110 | Use of game birds for training dogs, field trials—Marking requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 220-416-120 | Bullfrogs. |