(1) Clinical and didactic training of any apprenticeship or tutorial instruction may be approved separately.
(2) The department may consider for approval didactic training which meets the requirements outlined in WAC
246-803-210 and
246-803-220. Clinical training must meet the requirements of WAC
(3) Application for approval of an apprenticeship or tutorial instruction is made by the apprenticeship or tutorial trainer.
(4) A request for approval of the apprenticeship or tutorial instruction may be as of the date of the application or retroactively to a specified date.
(5) The apprenticeship or tutorial instructor must be licensed as an East Asian medicine practitioner in the state of Washington and have no less than seven out of the last ten years of experience in full-time practice as an East Asian medicine practitioner.
(6) The application for approval of an apprenticeship or tutorial instruction must include documentation required by the department pertaining to:
(a) Educational administration;
(b) Qualifications of the apprenticeship or tutorial trainer;
(c) Didactic and/or clinical facilities; and
(d) Content of offered training.
(7) An application fee as required under WAC
246-803-990 must accompany the completed application.
(8) The department will evaluate the application and, if necessary, conduct a site inspection of the apprenticeship or tutorial instruction prior to approval by the department.
(9) After completing the evaluation of the application, the department may grant or deny approval, or grant approval conditioned upon appropriate modification to the application.
(10) If the department denies an application or grants conditional approval, the apprenticeship or tutorial trainer may request a review within ninety days of the department's adverse action. After ninety days the contesting party may only obtain review by submitting a new application.
(11) The apprenticeship or tutorial trainer shall notify the department of significant changes with respect to educational administration, trainer qualifications, facilities, or content of training.
(12) The department may inspect an approved apprenticeship or tutorial instruction at reasonable intervals for compliance. Approval may be withdrawn if the department finds failure to comply with the requirements of law, administrative rules, or representations in the application.
(13) The apprenticeship or tutorial trainer must immediately correct deficiencies which resulted in withdrawal of the department's approval.
(14) An apprenticeship or tutorial is of limited duration and ends at the time the parties to the agreement have completed their obligations.