The retention and lawful destruction of OIC records are governed by the retention schedules approved by the state records committee. The most current version of the state government general records retention schedule can be found on the secretary of state's web site Retention schedules specific to the OIC are available from the public records manager upon request. The records maintained by the OIC will be regularly destroyed in accordance with the state retention schedule applicable to the OIC unless otherwise required to be held for a longer period of time pursuant to directives to the OIC to hold any such records under applicable federal or state rules of civil procedure governing discovery of documents and things in litigation or other legal proceedings.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
48.02.060 and
42.56.040. WSR 12-03-087 (Matter No. R 2011-15), § 284-03-020, filed 1/15/12, effective 2/15/12. Statutory Authority: RCW
70.02.050 and
42.17.250. WSR 04-15-157 (Matter No. R 2003-10), § 284-03-020, filed 7/21/04, effective 8/21/04; Order R-75-1, § 284-03-020, filed 5/19/75.]