PDFWAC 284-43B-050

Notice of consumer rights and transparency.

(1) The commissioner shall develop a standard template for a notice of consumer rights under the Balance Billing Protection Act. The notice may be modified periodically, as determined necessary by the commissioner. The notice template will be posted on the public website of the office of the insurance commissioner.
(2) The standard template for the notice of consumer rights under the Balance Billing Protection Act must be provided to consumers enrolled in any health plan issued in Washington state as follows:
(a) Carriers must:
(i) Include the notice in the carrier's communication to an enrollee, in electronic or any other format, that authorizes nonemergency surgical or ancillary services at an in-network facility;
(ii) Post the notice on their website in a prominent and relevant location, such as in a location that addresses coverage of emergency services and prior authorization requirements for nonemergency surgical or ancillary services performed at in-network facilities; and
(iii) Provide the notice to any enrollee upon request.
(b) Health care facilities and providers must:
(i) For any facility or provider that is owned and operated independently from all other businesses and that has more than fifty employees, upon confirming that a patient's health plan is subject to the Balance Billing Protection Act, include the notice in any communication to a patient, in electronic or any other format, confirming the scheduling of nonemergency surgical or ancillary services at a facility;
(ii) Post the notice on their website, if the provider or facility maintains a website, in a prominent and relevant location near the list of the carrier health plan provider networks with which the provider or facility is an in-network provider; and
(iii) Provide the notice upon request of a patient.
(3) For claims processed on or after July 1, 2020, when processing a claim that is subject to the balance billing prohibition in section 6, chapter 427, Laws of 2019, the carrier must indicate on any form used by the carrier to notify enrollees of the amount the carrier has paid on the claim:
(a) Whether the claim is subject to the prohibition in the act; and
(b) The federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services individual national provider identifier number, and organizational national provider identifier number, if the provider works for an organization or is in a group practice that has an organization number.
(4) A facility or health care provider meets its obligation under section 11 or 12, chapter 427, Laws of 2019, to include a listing on its website of the carrier health plan provider networks in which the facility or health care provider participates by posting this information on its website for in-force contracts, and for newly executed contracts within fourteen calendar days of receipt of the fully executed contract from a carrier. If the information is posted in advance of the effective date of the contract, the date that network participation will begin must be indicated.
(5) Not less than thirty days prior to executing a contract with a carrier, a hospital or ambulatory surgical facility must provide the carrier with a list of the nonemployed providers or provider groups that have privileges to practice at the hospital or ambulatory surgical facility or are contracted to provide surgical or ancillary services at the hospital or ambulatory surgical facility. The list must include the name of the provider or provider group, mailing address, federal tax identification number or numbers and contact information for the staff person responsible for the provider's or provider group's contracting. The hospital or ambulatory surgical facility must notify the carrier within thirty days of a removal from or addition to the nonemployed provider list. A hospital or ambulatory surgical facility also must provide an updated list of these providers within fourteen calendar days of a written request for an updated list by a carrier.
(6) An in-network provider must submit accurate information to a carrier regarding the provider's network status in a timely manner, consistent with the terms of the contract between the provider and the carrier.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.49.060, and 48.49.110. WSR 19-23-085, § 284-43B-050, filed 11/19/19, effective 12/20/19.]