PDFWAC 284-43B-060


(1) If the commissioner has cause to believe that any health facility or provider has engaged in a pattern of unresolved violations of section 6 or 7, chapter 427, Laws of 2019, the commissioner may submit information to the department of health or the appropriate disciplining authority for action.
(2) In determining whether there is cause to believe that a health care provider or facility has engaged in a pattern of unresolved violations, the commissioner shall consider, but is not limited to, consideration of the following:
(a) Whether there is cause to believe that the health care provider or facility has committed two or more violations of section 6 or 7, chapter 427, Laws of 2019;
(b) Whether the health care provider or facility has failed to submit claims to carriers containing all of the elements required in WAC 284-43B-030(1) on multiple occasions, putting a consumer or consumers at risk of being billed for services to which the prohibition in section 6, chapter 427, Laws of 2019 applies;
(c) Whether the health care provider or facility has been nonresponsive to questions or requests for information from the commissioner related to one or more complaints alleging a violation of section 6 or 7, chapter 427, Laws of 2019; and
(d) Whether, subsequent to correction of previous violations, additional violations have occurred.
(3) Prior to submitting information to the department of health or the appropriate disciplining authority, the commissioner may provide the health care provider or facility with an opportunity to cure the alleged violations or explain why the actions in question did not violate section 6 or 7, chapter 427, Laws of 2019.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.49.060, and 48.49.110. WSR 19-23-085, § 284-43B-060, filed 11/19/19, effective 12/20/19.]