(1) Prior to grounding a radio transmitting station antenna, the employer shall ensure that the rigger in charge:
(a) Prepares a danger tag signed with their signature;
(b) Requests the transmitting technician to shutdown the transmitter and to ground the antenna with its grounding switch;
(c) Is notified by the transmitting technician that the transmitter has been shutdown; and
(d) Tags the antenna ground switch and verifies with the transmitting technician after the antenna has been grounded.
(2) Power shall not be applied to the antenna, nor shall the grounding switch be opened under any circumstances while the tag is affixed.
(a) Where no grounding switches are provided, grounding sticks shall be used, one on each side of line, and tags shall be placed on the grounding sticks, antenna switch, or plate power switch in a conspicuous place.
(b) To further reduce excessive radio frequency pickup, ground sticks or short circuits shall be placed directly on the transmission lines near the transmitter in addition to the regular grounding switches.
(c) In other cases, the antenna lines may be disconnected from ground and the transmitter to reduce pickup at the point in the field.
(3) All radio frequency line wires shall be tested for pickup with an insulated probe before they are handled either with bare hands or with metal tools.
(4) The employer shall ensure that the transmitting technician warn the riggers about adjacent lines which are, or may become energized.
(5) The employer shall ensure that when antenna work has been completed, the rigger in charge of the job returns to the transmitter, notifies the transmitting technician in charge that work has been completed, and personally removes the tag from the antenna ground switch.