Chapter 296-45 WAC

Last Update: 6/18/19


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF296-45-005Electrical workers safety rules—Foreword.
HTMLPDF296-45-015Scope and application.
HTMLPDF296-45-045NESC applicable.
HTMLPDF296-45-055Employer's responsibility.
HTMLPDF296-45-067Information transfer.
HTMLPDF296-45-075Employer's safety program.
HTMLPDF296-45-085Leadworker's responsibility.
HTMLPDF296-45-095Leadworker-employee responsibility.
HTMLPDF296-45-105Work required of leadworkers.
HTMLPDF296-45-115Employee's responsibility.
HTMLPDF296-45-125Medical services and first aid.
HTMLPDF296-45-135Job briefing.
HTMLPDF296-45-175Hazardous energy control (lockout/tagout) procedures.
HTMLPDF296-45-17505Lockout/tagout (hazardous control) program.
HTMLPDF296-45-17515Protective materials and hardware.
HTMLPDF296-45-17520Energy isolation.
HTMLPDF296-45-17530Lockout/tagout application.
HTMLPDF296-45-17535Releasing stored energy.
HTMLPDF296-45-17540Release from lockout/tagout.
HTMLPDF296-45-17545Temporary removal of lockout/tagout.
HTMLPDF296-45-17550Group lockout/tagout.
HTMLPDF296-45-17555Shift changes.
HTMLPDF296-45-17560Outside servicing personnel.
HTMLPDF296-45-17565Central system operator.
HTMLPDF296-45-195Trenching and excavation.
HTMLPDF296-45-205Enclosed spaces.
HTMLPDF296-45-215Underground electrical installations.
HTMLPDF296-45-225Underground residential distribution (URD).
HTMLPDF296-45-255Protective equipment.
HTMLPDF296-45-25505Personal protective equipment.
HTMLPDF296-45-25510Fall protection.
HTMLPDF296-45-275Ladders, platforms, and manhole steps.
HTMLPDF296-45-285Hand, and portable powered tools.
HTMLPDF296-45-295Gasoline engine power chain saws.
HTMLPDF296-45-305Live-line tools.
HTMLPDF296-45-315Materials handling and storage.
HTMLPDF296-45-325Working on or near exposed energized parts.
HTMLPDF296-45-335Deenergizing lines and equipment for employee protection.
HTMLPDF296-45-345Grounding for the protection of employees.
HTMLPDF296-45-355Underground grounding.
HTMLPDF296-45-365Testing and test facilities.
HTMLPDF296-45-375Mechanical equipment, including aerial manlift equipment.
HTMLPDF296-45-385Overhead lines.
HTMLPDF296-45-455Line-clearance tree-trimming operations.
HTMLPDF296-45-45505Brush chippers.
HTMLPDF296-45-45510Sprayers and related equipment.
HTMLPDF296-45-45515Stump cutters.
HTMLPDF296-45-45520Backpack power units for use in pruning and clearing.
HTMLPDF296-45-45530Fall protection.
HTMLPDF296-45-465Communication facilities.
HTMLPDF296-45-485Power generation.
HTMLPDF296-45-48505Interlocks and other safety devices.
HTMLPDF296-45-48510Changing brushes.
HTMLPDF296-45-48515Access and working space.
HTMLPDF296-45-48520Guarding of rooms containing electric supply equipment.
HTMLPDF296-45-48525Guarding of energized parts.
HTMLPDF296-45-48530Water or steam spaces.
HTMLPDF296-45-48535Chemical cleaning of boilers and pressure vessels.
HTMLPDF296-45-48540Chlorine systems.
HTMLPDF296-45-48550Turbine generators.
HTMLPDF296-45-48555Coal and ash handling.
HTMLPDF296-45-48560Hydroplants and equipment.
HTMLPDF296-45-525Special conditions.
HTMLPDF296-45-52510Current transformer secondaries.
HTMLPDF296-45-52515Series streetlighting.
HTMLPDF296-45-52525Protection against drowning.
HTMLPDF296-45-52530Employee protection in public work areas.
HTMLPDF296-45-52545Hydraulic fluids.
HTMLPDF296-45-52550Foreign attachments and placards.
HTMLPDF296-45-545Trolley maintenance, jumpering or bypassing.
HTMLPDF296-45-675Rotorcraft/helicopter for power distribution and transmission line installation, construction and repair—Scope.
HTMLPDF296-45-67504Operating certification.
HTMLPDF296-45-67508Hazard analysis and job briefing.
HTMLPDF296-45-67513Personal protective equipment (PPE).
HTMLPDF296-45-67515Wearing apparel.
HTMLPDF296-45-67517Loose gear and objects.
HTMLPDF296-45-67519Landing zones.
HTMLPDF296-45-67521Pilot's responsibility.
HTMLPDF296-45-67522Cargo hooks.
HTMLPDF296-45-67523Hooking and unhooking loads.
HTMLPDF296-45-67525Static charge.
HTMLPDF296-45-67527Line stringing.
HTMLPDF296-45-67533Helicopter operation.
HTMLPDF296-45-67536Helicopter work tasks.
HTMLPDF296-45-67537Sling and rigging.
HTMLPDF296-45-67545Refueling operations.
HTMLPDF296-45-902Appendix A—Working on exposed energized parts—Nonmandatory.
HTMLPDF296-45-903Appendix B—Protection from step and touch potentials—Nonmandatory.
HTMLPDF296-45-905Appendix C—Methods of inspecting and testing wood poles—Nonmandatory.
HTMLPDF296-45-906Appendix D—Protection from flames and electric arcs—Nonmandatory.
HTMLPDF296-45-907Appendix E—Work-positioning equipment inspection guidelines—Nonmandatory.
HTMLPDF296-45-908Appendix F—Other Applicable safety and health Washington administrative codes.
HTMLPDF296-45-909Appendix G—Flow chart—Nonmandatory.
HTMLPDF296-45-910Appendix H—Reference documents.
Reviser's note: Chapter 296-44 WAC Safety Standards—Electrical Construction code was absorbed into this chapter with the filing of WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98.
296-45-010General. [§ 296-45-010, filed 1/3/68; § I, Rules 1.1 through 1.9, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-020Causes of accident. [§ I, Rule 1.10, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-030Safety. [§ I, Rule 1.11, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38,, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-040Definitions. [§ I, Rules 1.12 through 1.29, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-050Employer's responsibility. [§ II, Rules 2.1 through 2.11, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-060Foreman's responsibility. [§ II, Rules 2.12 through 2.23, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-070Employees' responsibility. [§ II, Rules 2.24 through 2.31, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-080First aid. [§ III, Rules 3.1 through 3.4, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-090Industrial hygiene. [§ III, Rules 3.5 through 3.7, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-110Tools—General. [§ IV, Rules 4.1 through 4.7, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-120Tools—Inspection of tools. [§ IV, Rules 4.8 and 4.9, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-130Tools—Storage of tools and materials. [§ IV, Rule 4.10, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-140Tools—Hand tools—Using metal objects. [§ IV, Rules 4.11 and 4.12, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-150Tools—Ladders. [§ IV, Rules 4.13 through 4.27, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-160Tools—Scaffolds. [§ IV, Rule 4.28, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-170Tools—Guards and barriers. [§ IV, Rule 4.29, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-180Tools—Grounding equipment. [§ IV, Rules 4.30 and 4.31, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-190Tools—Hot line tools. [§ IV, Rules 4.32 and 4.33, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-200Tools—Switch stick. [§ IV, Rules 4.34 and 4.35, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-210Tools—Climbing equipment. [§ IV, Rules 4.36 through 4.39, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-220Protective devices—Rubber protective equipment. [§ IV, Rules 4.40 through 4.51, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-230Equipment—Soldering equipment. [§ IV, Rules 4.52 through 4.55, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-240Equipment—Fire extinguishers. [§ IV, Rule 4.56, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-250Wearing apparel. [§ 296-45-250, filed 1/3/68; § IV, Rules 4.57 through 4.61, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-260Transportation—Motor vehicle and trailer operations law. [§ IV, Rule 4.62, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-270Transportation—Safety practices. [§ 296-45-270, filed 1/3/68; § IV, Rules 4.63 through 4.69, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-280Employee qualifications. [§ V, Rule 5.1, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-290Work required of foreman. [§ V, Rule 5.2, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-300Number of men required to do work safely. [§ V, Rules 5.3 through 5.5, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-310Replacing or pulling fuses. [§ V, Rules 5.6 through 5.8, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-320Electric utility employee operated motor cranes, "A" frames, aerial lift equipment, hole digger, winches, etc. [§ V, Rule 5.9, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-330Working on or near energized lines or equipment. [§ V, Rules 5.10 through 5.15, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-340Stringing or removing wires. [§ V, Rule 5.16, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-350Temporary guard poles and structures. [§ V, Rule 5.17, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-360Safe working practices. [§ V, Rules 5.18 through 5.46, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-370Overhead lines—Working above energized circuits over 5 KV. [§ V, Rules 5.47 through 5.50, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-380Overhead lines—Using hot line tools. [§ V, Rules 5.51 through 5.54, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-390Overhead lines—Strength of spans and their supports. [§ V, Rules 5.55 and 5.56, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-400Overhead lines—Foreign operations. [§ V, Rule 5.57, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-410Overhead lines—Tree trimming. [§ V, Rule 5.58, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-420Overhead lines—Foreign attachments and placards. [§ V, Rule 5.59, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-430Substations and generating plants—General. [§ V, Rules 5.60 through 5.64, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-440Maintenance of clearance. [§ V, Rule 5.65, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-450Number of men required to work safely. [§ V, Rule 5.66, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-460Safe working practices. [§ V, Rules 5.67 through 5.78, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-470Clearances. [§ VI, Rules 6.1 through 6.13, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-480Grounding. [§ VI, Rules 6.14 through 6.25, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-490Underground maintenance—General. [§ VII, Rule 7.1, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-500Underground maintenance—Working in manholes. [§ VII, Rules 7.2 through 7.7, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-510Underground maintenance—Guarding manholes and street openings. [§ VII, Rules 7.8 through 7.12, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-520Underground maintenance—Use of tools and equipment. [§ VII, Rules 7.13 through 7.17, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-530Underground maintenance—Pulling U.G. cable. [§ VII, Rule 7.18, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-540Underground maintenance—Testing. [§ VII, Rules 7.19 through 7.21, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-550Underground maintenance—Fishing conduit or ducts. [§ VII, Rule 7.22, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-560Underground maintenance—Working in elevated position. [§ VII, Rule 7.23, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-570Underground maintenance—Grounding U.G. power conductors and equipment. [§ VII, Rules 7.24 through 7.27, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-580Trolley maintenance. [§ VII, Rules 7.28 through 7.40, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-590Aerial manlift equipment. [§ 296-45-590, filed 1/3/68; § VIII, Rules 8.1 through 8.10, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-600Conclusion. [Matter following Rule 8.10, filed 3/23/60, effective 2/3/56.] Repealed by Order 76-38, filed 12/30/76.
296-45-60013Hand and portable powered tools. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060. WSR 96-22-013, § 296-45-60013, filed 10/28/96, effective 1/1/97.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-650Electrical workers safety rules—Foreword. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-650, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-650, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65003Scope and application. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65003, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65003, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65005Definitions. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65005, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65005, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65009Employer's responsibility. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65009, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; WSR 89-11-035 (Order 89-03), § 296-45-65009, filed 5/15/89, effective 6/30/89; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65009, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65011Leadworker's responsibility. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65011, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65011, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65013Leadworker-employee responsibility. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65013, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65013, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65015Work required of leadworkers. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65015, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65015, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65017Employee's responsibility. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65017, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65017, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65019First aid. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65019, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65019, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65021Tools and protective equipment. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65021, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65021, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65023Clearances, operating power lines and equipment. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65023, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65023, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65025Grounding. [Order 76-38, § 296-45-65025, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 88-11-021 (Order 88-04), filed 5/11/88. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW.
296-45-65026Personal protective grounding. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65026, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; WSR 91-24-017 (Order 91-07), § 296-45-65026, filed 11/22/91, effective 12/24/91; WSR 88-11-021 (Order 88-04), § 296-45-65026, filed 5/11/88.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65027General requirements. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65027, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65027, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65029Overhead lines. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65029, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65029, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65031Poles and pole settings. [Order 76-38, § 296-45-65031, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65033Transmission line construction. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65033, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65033, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65035Substations. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65035, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65035, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65037Underground. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65037, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; WSR 88-11-021 (Order 88-04), § 296-45-65037, filed 5/11/88; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65037, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65038Underground residential distribution (URD). [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65038, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 83-24-013 (Order 83-34), § 296-45-65038, filed 11/30/83; WSR 83-15-017 (Order 83-19), § 296-45-65038, filed 7/13/83, effective 9/12/83.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65039Trolley maintenance, jumpering or bypassing. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65039, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65039, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65041Aerial manlift equipment. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65041, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; WSR 89-11-035 (Order 89-03), § 296-45-65041, filed 5/15/89, effective 6/30/89; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65041, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65043All motor vehicle and trailer operations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 82-08-026 (Order 82-10), § 296-45-65043, filed 3/30/82; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65043, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65045Material handling. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65045, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65045, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-65047Specification for lineworker's belts and similar equipment. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 95-10-016, § 296-45-65047, filed 4/25/95, effective 10/1/95; WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-65047, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-65047, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-660Tree trimming. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. WSR 81-13-053 (Order 81-9), § 296-45-660, filed 6/17/81.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-66001Electrical hazards. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-66001, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. WSR 81-13-053 (Order 81-9), § 296-45-66001, filed 6/17/81.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-66003Tools and protective equipment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. WSR 81-13-053 (Order 81-9), § 296-45-66003, filed 6/17/81.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-66005Insulated tools used for tree trimming. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-66005, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. WSR 81-13-053 (Order 81-9), § 296-45-66005, filed 6/17/81.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-66007Aerial manlift equipment. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-66007, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 82-13-045 (Order 82-22), § 296-45-66007, filed 6/11/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. WSR 81-13-053 (Order 81-9), § 296-45-66007, filed 6/17/81.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-66009All motor vehicle and trailer operations. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-66009, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. WSR 81-13-053 (Order 81-9), § 296-45-66009, filed 6/17/81.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-66011Working in proximity to electrical hazards. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-66011, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. WSR 81-13-053 (Order 81-9), § 296-45-66011, filed 6/17/81.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-67505Briefing. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-67505, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-67505, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 16-10-081, filed 5/3/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and chapter 49.17 RCW.
296-45-67507Signals. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-67507, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-67507, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 16-10-081, filed 5/3/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and chapter 49.17 RCW.
296-45-67509Slings and tag lines. [Order 76-38, § 296-45-67509, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 16-10-081, filed 5/3/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and chapter 49.17 RCW.
296-45-67511Cargo hooks. [Order 76-38, § 296-45-67511, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 16-10-081, filed 5/3/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and chapter 49.17 RCW.
296-45-67535In helicopter. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-67535, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-67535, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 16-10-081, filed 5/3/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and chapter 49.17 RCW.
296-45-67539Personnel. [Order 76-38, § 296-45-67539, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 16-10-081, filed 5/3/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and chapter 49.17 RCW.
296-45-67543General. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-67543, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94; Order 76-38, § 296-45-67543, filed 12/30/76.] Repealed by WSR 16-10-081, filed 5/3/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and chapter 49.17 RCW.
296-45-680Communication facilities. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-680, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-690Power generation. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-690, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-695Hazardous energy control (lockout/tagout) procedures. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-695, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-700Testing and test facilities. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-20-057 (Order 94-16), § 296-45-700, filed 9/30/94, effective 11/20/94.] Repealed by WSR 98-07-009, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
296-45-901Appendix A—Nonmandatory. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040. WSR 99-09-080, § 296-45-901, filed 4/20/99, effective 8/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060. WSR 98-07-009, § 296-45-901, filed 3/6/98, effective 5/6/98.] Repealed by WSR 16-10-082, filed 5/3/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and chapter 49.17 RCW.