PDFWAC 296-59-125

Ski lift aerial work platforms.

(1) Construction and loading.
(a) All aerial work platforms must be constructed to sustain the permissible loading with a safety factor of four. The load permitted must be calculated to include:
(i) The weight of the platform and all suspension components;
(ii) The weight of each permitted occupant calculated at two hundred fifty pounds per person including limited handtools;
(iii) The weight of any additional heavy tools, equipment, or supplies for tasks commonly accomplished from the work platform.
(b) The floor of the platform must not have openings larger than two inches in the greatest dimension.
(c) The platform must be equipped with toeboards at least four inches high on all sides.
(d) Guardrails.
(i) The platform must be equipped with standard height and strength guardrails where such guardrails will pass through the configuration of all lifts on which it is intended to be used.
(ii) Where guardrails must be less than thirty-six inches high in order to clear carriages, guideage, etc., guardrails must be as high as will clear the obstructions but never less than twelve inches high.
(iii) If the work platform is equipped with an upper work level, the upper level platform must be equipped with a toeboard at least four inches high.
(iv) Each platform must be equipped with a lanyard attachment ring for each permissible occupant to attach a safety belt lanyard.
(v) Each lanyard attachment ring must be of such strength as to sustain five thousand four hundred pounds of static loading for each occupant permitted to be attached to a specific ring.
(vi) Attachment rings must be permanently located as close to the center balance point of the platform as is practical.
(vii) The rings may be movable, for instance, up and down a central suspension rod, but must not be completely removable.
(e) Platform attachment.
(i) The platform must be suspended by either a standard wire rope four part bridle or by solid metal rods, bars, or pipe.
(ii) The attachment means chosen must be of a type which will prevent accidental displacement.
(iii) The attachment means must be adjusted so that the platform rides level when empty.
(f) Maintenance.
(i) Every aerial work platform must be subjected to a complete annual inspection by qualified personnel.
(ii) The inspection must include all structural members, welding, bolted or treaded fittings, and the suspension components.
(iii) Any defect noted must be repaired before the platform is placed back in service.
(iv) A written record must be kept for each annual inspection. The record must include:
(A) The inspector identification;
(B) All defects found;
(C) The identity of repair personnel;
(D) Identity of the postrepair inspector who accepted the platform for use.
(g) The platform must be clearly identified as to the number of permissible passengers and the weight limit of additional cargo permitted.
(i) Signs must be applied on the outside of each side panel.
(ii) Signs must be maintained in clearly legible condition.
(h) Unless the side guardrail assembly is at least thirty-six inches high on all sides, signs must be placed on the inside floor or walls to clearly inform all passengers that they must use a safety belt and lanyard at all times when using the platform.
(2) Work platform use.
(a) Platforms must be attached to the haulrope with an attachment means which develops a four to one strength factor for the combined weight of the platform and all permissible loading.
(b) The haulrope attachment means must be designed to prevent accidental displacement.
(c) Trained and competent personnel must attach and inspect the platform before each use.
(d) Passengers must be provided with and must use the correct safety harness and lanyard for the intended work.
(e) Any time a passenger's position is not protected by a standard guardrail at least thirty-six inches high, the individual must be protected by a short lanyard which will not permit free-fall over the platform edge.
(f) When personnel are passengers on a work platform and their work position requires the use of a safety harness and lanyard, the lanyard must be attached to the work platform, not to the haulrope or tower.
(g) Work platform passengers must face in the direction of travel when the lift is moving.
(h) Tools, equipment and supplies must be loaded on the platform in such a fashion that the loaded platform can safely pass all towers and appurtenances.
(i) Heavy tools, equipment or supplies must be secured in place if they could fall over or roll within the platform and create a hazard for passengers.
(j) When the work crew is traveling on the work platform, the lift must be operated at a speed which is safe for that particular system and the conditions present.
See Appendix 1 for operating procedure requirements.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 18-04-096, § 296-59-125, filed 2/6/18, effective 3/9/18; WSR 17-16-132, § 296-59-125, filed 8/1/17, effective 9/1/17. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 88-14-108 (Order 88-11), § 296-59-125, filed 7/6/88.]