(Effective until July 1, 2020)

PDFWAC 296-128-530


The term "individual employed in a bona fide . . . professional capacity" in RCW 49.46.010 (5)(c) shall mean any employee:
(1) Whose primary duty consists of the performance of work:
(a) Requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction and study, as distinguished from a general academic education and from an apprenticeship, and from training in the performance of routine mental, manual, or physical processes, or
(b) Original and creative in character in a recognized field of artistic endeavor (as opposed to work which can be produced by a person endowed with general manual or intellectual ability and training), and the result of which depends primarily on the intention, imagination, or talent of the employee; or
(c) Teaching, tutoring, instructing, or lecturing in the activity of imparting knowledge and who is employed and engaged in this activity as a teacher in the school system or educational establishment or institution by which he is employed; and
(2) Whose work requires the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment in its performance; and
(3) Whose work is predominantly intellectual and varied in character (as opposed to routine mental, manual, mechanical or physical work) and is of such a character that the output produced or the result accomplished cannot be standardized in relation to a given period of time; and
(4) Who does not devote more than 20 percent of his hours worked in the work week to activities which are not an essential part of and necessarily incident to the work described in paragraphs (1) through (3) of this section; and
(5) Who is compensated for his services on a salary or fee basis at a rate of not less than $170 per week exclusive of board, lodging, or facilities: Provided, That this paragraph (5) shall not apply in the case of an employee who is the holder of a valid license or certificate permitting the practice of law, medicine, or dentistry and who is actually engaged in the practice thereof: Provided, That an employee who is compensated on a salary or fee basis at a rate of not less than $250 per week (exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities), and whose primary duty consists of the performance of work either requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning, which includes work requiring the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment, or requiring invention, imagination, or talent in a recognized field of artistic endeavor, shall be deemed to meet all of the requirements of this section.
[Order 76-5, § 296-128-530, filed 2/24/76.]
(Effective July 1, 2020)

PDFWAC 296-128-530


(1) The term "individual employed in a bona fide … professional capacity" in RCW 49.46.010 (3)(c) shall mean any employee:
(a) Whose primary duty consists of the performance of work:
(i) Requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction; or
(ii) Requiring invention, imagination, originality or talent in a recognized field of artistic or creative endeavor; and
(b) Who is compensated on a salary or fee basis at a rate of not less than the amount specified in WAC 296-128-545, exclusive of board, lodging, or other facilities.
(2) The term "individual employed in a bona fide … professional capacity" in RCW 49.46.010 (3)(c) shall also include any employee:
(a) With a primary duty of teaching, tutoring, instructing, or lecturing in the activity of imparting knowledge and who is employed and engaged in this activity as a teacher in an educational establishment by which the employee is employed; and
(b) Who is compensated on a salary or fee basis. The requirements of WAC 296-128-545 do not apply to the teaching professionals described in the subsection.
(3) The term "individual employed in a bona fide … professional capacity" in RCW 49.46.010 (3)(c) shall also include any employee:
(a) Who is the holder of a valid license or certificate permitting the practice of law or medicine or any of their branches and is actually engaged in the practice thereof; or
(b) Who is the holder of the requisite academic degree for the general practice of medicine and is engaged in an internship or resident program pursuant to the practice of the profession. Employees engaged in internship or resident programs, whether or not licensed to practice prior to commencement of the program, qualify as exempt professionals if they enter such internship or resident programs after the earning of the appropriate degree required for the general practice of their profession.
(c) In the case of medicine, the exemption applies to physicians and other practitioners licensed and practicing in the field of medical science and healing or any of the medical specialties practiced by physicians or practitioners. The term "physicians" includes medical doctors including general practitioners and specialists, osteopathic physicians (doctors of osteopathy), podiatrists, dentists (doctors of dental medicine), and optometrists (doctors of optometry or bachelors of science in optometry).
(d) The requirements of WAC 296-128-545 do not apply to the law or medicine professionals described in this subsection.
(4) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction" restricts the exemption to professions where specialized academic training is a standard prerequisite for entrance into the profession. The exemption is also available to employees who attained substantially the same advanced knowledge through a combination of work experience and intellectual instruction.
(b) "Field of science or learning" means the traditional professions of law, medicine, theology, accounting, actuarial computation, engineering, architecture, teaching, various types of physical, chemical and biological sciences, pharmacy, and other similar occupations that have a recognized professional status.
(c) "Recognized field of artistic or creative endeavor" includes such fields as music, writing, acting, and the graphic arts.
(d) "Work requiring advanced knowledge" means work which is predominantly intellectual in character, and which includes work requiring the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment, as distinguished from performance of routine mental, manual, mechanical or physical work. An employee who performs work requiring advanced knowledge generally uses the advanced knowledge to analyze, interpret, or make deductions from varying facts or circumstances. Advanced knowledge cannot be attained at the high school level.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.46.010 (3)(c). WSR 20-01-063, § 296-128-530, filed 12/10/19, effective 7/1/20; Order 76-5, § 296-128-530, filed 2/24/76.]