(b) The standard sign shall be at least fourteen inches by sixteen inches with letters at least one inch in height. Farms and forests shall use the standard size sign unless a smaller sign is necessary because the treated area is too small to accommodate a sign of this size. In nurseries and greenhouses, the agricultural employer may, at any time, use a sign smaller than the standard size sign. Whenever a small sign is used on any establishment, there are specific posting distances depending on the size of the lettering and symbol on the sign. If a sign is used with danger and peligro in letters at least 7/8 inch in height and the remaining letters at least 1/2 inch and a red circle at least three inches in diameter containing an upraised hand and a stern face, the signs shall be no further than fifty feet apart. If a sign is used with danger and peligro in letters at least 7/16 inch in height and the remaining letters at least 1/4 inch in height and a red circle at least 1 1/2 inches in diameter containing an upraised hand and stern face, the signs shall be no further than twenty-five feet apart. A sign with danger and peligro in letters less than 7/16 inch in height or with any words in letters less than 1/4 inch in height, or a red circle smaller than 1 1/2 inches in diameter containing an upraised hand and a stern face will not satisfy the requirements of the rule. All signs must meet the requirements of (a) of this subsection.
(c) The employer may replace the Spanish portion of the warning sign with a non-English language read by the largest group of workers who do not read English. The replacement sign must be in the same format as the original sign and must be visible and legible.
(d) On farms and in forests and nurseries, the signs shall be visible from all usual points of worker entry to the treated area, including at least each access road, each border with any labor camp adjacent to the treated area, and each footpath and other walking route that enters the treated area. When there are no usual points of worker entry, signs shall be posted in the corners of the treated area or in any other location affording maximum visibility.
(e) In greenhouses, the signs shall be posted so they are visible from all usual points of worker entry to the treated area including each aisle or other walking route that enters the treated area. When there are no usual points of worker entry to the treated area, signs shall be posted in the corners of the treated area or in any other location affording maximum visibility.
(f) The signs shall:
(i) Be posted no sooner than twenty-four hours before the scheduled application of the pesticide.
(ii) Remain posted throughout the application and any restricted-entry interval.
(iii) Be removed within three days after the end of the application and any restricted-entry interval and before agricultural-worker entry is permitted, other than entry permitted by WAC
(g) The signs shall remain visible and legible during the time they are posted.
(h) When several contiguous areas are to be treated with pesticides on a rotating or sequential basis, the entire area may be posted. Worker entry, other than entry permitted by WAC
296-307-12020, is prohibited for the entire area while the signs are posted.
(4) Oral warnings. The agricultural employer shall provide oral warnings to workers in a manner that the worker can understand. If a worker will be on the premises during the application, the warning shall be given before the application takes place. Otherwise, the warning shall be given at the beginning of the worker's first work period during which the application is taking place or the restricted-entry interval for the pesticide is in effect. The warning shall consist of:
(a) The location and description of the treated area.
(b) The time during which entry is restricted.
(c) Instructions not to enter the treated area until the restricted-entry interval has expired.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.040. WSR 98-24-096, § 296-307-12025, filed 12/1/98, effective 3/1/99. WSR 97-09-013, recodified as § 296-307-12025, filed 4/7/97, effective 4/7/97. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.040, [49.17.]050 and [49.17.]060. WSR 96-20-082, § 296-306A-12025, filed 9/30/96, effective 11/1/96.]