Exemption: | You do not need to provide baseline or periodic testing for those employees whose work exposure is limited to handling only N-methyl-carbamate pesticides. |
Note: | • For employees who have had exposure to organophosphate or N-methyl-carbamate pesticides in the thirty days prior to the test obtain a working baseline. For example, a worker who initially declines cholinesterase testing and later chooses to participate in testing would obtain a "working baseline." |
| • For new employees, the LHCP may accept previous baselines, if they are obtained according to this rule. |
You must:
• Obtain a signed declination statement from the LHCP for each employee who declines cholinesterase testing.
– Employees may decline cholinesterase testing only after they receive training about cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides and discuss the risks and benefits of participation with the LHCP.
– An employee may change his or her mind and elect to participate or decline to continue participation in the testing program at any time.
• Make sure the employee receives a copy of the signed declination statement, either through you or directly through the LHCP, within five business days after you receive the declination statement.
Note: | If employers discourage participation in cholinesterase monitoring, or in any way interfere with an employee's decision to continue with this program, this interference may represent unlawful discrimination under RCW 49.17.160, Discrimination against employee filing, instituting proceedings, or testifying prohibited—Procedure—Remedy. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060. WSR 06-01-074, § 296-307-14820, filed 12/20/05, effective 2/1/06; WSR 03-24-105, § 296-307-14820, filed 12/3/03, effective 2/1/04.]