Note: | See definition for physical hazard and health hazard to determine which hazards must be covered. |
Hazardous chemical. Any chemical that is a physical or health hazard.
Health hazard. A chemical, mixture, biological agent, or physical agent that may cause health effects in short- or long-term exposed employees. Based on statistically significant evidence from at least one study conducted using established scientific principles. Health hazards include:
• Carcinogens.
• Toxic or highly toxic agents.
• Reproductive toxins.
• Irritants.
• Corrosives.
• Sensitizers.
• Hepatotoxins (liver toxins).
• Nephrotoxins (kidney toxins).
• Neurotoxins (nervous system toxins).
• Substances that act on the hematopoietic system (blood or blood-forming system).
• Substances that can damage the lungs, skin, eyes, or mucous membranes.
• Hot or cold conditions.
Identity. As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140 means any chemical or common name listed on the safety data sheet (SDS) for the specific chemical. Each identity used must allow cross-references among the:
• Required list of hazardous chemicals.
• Chemical label.
• MSDSs.
Imminent danger violation. Any violation(s) resulting from conditions or practices in any place of employment, which are such that a danger exists which could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm, immediately or before such danger can be eliminated through the enforcement procedures otherwise provided by the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act.
Importer. The first business within the Customs Territory of the USA that:
• Receives hazardous chemicals produced in other countries; and
• Supplies them to distributors or employers within the USA.
Inpatient hospitalization. To be admitted into a hospital or equivalent facility for medical treatment.
Insulated. A conductor has been completely covered by a material that is recognized as electrical insulation and is thick enough based on:
• The amount of voltage involved; and
• The type of covering material.
Interim waiver. An order granted by the department allowing an employer to vary from WISHA requirements until the department decides to grant a permanent or temporary waiver.
Irritant. A substance that will induce a local inflammatory reaction upon immediate, prolonged, or repeated contact with normal living tissue.
Ladder. Consists of 2 side rails joined at regular intervals by crosspieces called steps, rungs, or cleats. These steps are used to climb up or down.
Listed. Equipment is listed if it:
• Is listed in a publication by a nationally recognized laboratory (such as UL, underwriters laboratory) that inspects the production of that type of equipment; and
• States the equipment meets nationally recognized standards or has been tested and found safe to use in a specific manner.
Medical treatment. Treatment provided by a physician or by registered professional personnel under the standing orders of a physician. Medical treatment does not include first-aid treatment even if provided by a physician or registered professional personnel.
Mist. Liquid droplets suspended in air. Mist is created by:
• Condensation from the gaseous to the liquid state; or
• Converting a liquid into a dispersed state with actions such as splashing, foaming, spraying or atomizing.
Mixture. As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140, any combination of 2 or more chemicals (if that combination did not result from a chemical reaction).
Movable equipment. As used in WAC
296-800-35052, a hand-held or nonhand-held machine or device;
• That is powered or nonpowered; and
• Can be moved within or between worksites.
Must. Mandatory.
NEMA. These initials stand for National Electrical Manufacturing Association.
NFPA. This is an acronym for National Fire Protection Association.
Nose. The portion of the stair tread that projects over the face of the riser below it.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Created in 1970 when the U.S. Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides safety on the job for workers. OSHA oversees state plans (such as WISHA in Washington) that have elected to administer the safety and health program for their state. OSHA requires WISHA rules to be at least as effective as OSHA rules.
Office work environment. An indoor or enclosed occupied space where clerical work, administration, or business is carried out.
In addition, it includes:
• Other workplace spaces controlled by the employer and used by office workers, such as cafeterias, meeting rooms, and washrooms.
• Office areas of manufacturing and production facilities, not including process areas.
• Office areas of businesses such as food and beverage establishments, agricultural operations, construction, commercial trade, services, etc.
Open riser. A stair step with an air space between treads has an open riser.
Organic peroxide. This is an organic compound containing the bivalent-0-0-structure. It may be considered a structural derivative of hydrogen peroxide if one or both of the hydrogen atoms has been replaced by an organic radical.
Outlet. See definition for electrical outlets.
Oxidizer. A chemical other than a blasting agent or explosive as defined in WAC
296-52-60130 or C.F.R. 1910.109(a), that starts or promotes combustion in other materials, causing fire either of itself or through the release of oxygen or other gases.
Permissible exposure limits (PELs). Permissible exposure limits (PELs) are employee exposures to toxic substances or harmful physical agents that must not be exceeded. PELs are specified in applicable WISHA rules.
Person. Based on chapter
49.17 RCW, one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations, business trusts, legal representatives, or any organized group of persons.
Personal eyewash units. Personal eyewash units are portable, supplementary units that support plumbed units or self-contained units, or both, by delivering immediate flushing for less than fifteen minutes.
Personal service room. Used for activities not directly connected with a business' production or service function such as:
• First aid.
• Medical services.
• Dressing.
• Showering.
• Bathrooms.
• Washing.
• Eating.
Personnel. See the definition for employees.
Physical hazard. Means a chemical that is classified as posing one of the following hazardous effects: Explosive; flammable (gases, aerosols, liquids, or solids); oxidizer (liquid, solid or gas); self-reactive; pyrophoric (liquid or solid); self-heating; organic peroxide; corrosive to metal; gas under pressure; or in contact with water emits flammable gas. WAC
296-901-14024, Appendix B
—Physical hazard criteria.
Platform. Platform means an extended step or landing that breaks a continuous run of stairs.
Plug. See definition for attachment plug.
Potable water. Water that is suitable for drinking by the public and meets the requirements of chapter
246-290 or
246-291 WAC.
Predictable and regular basis. Employee functions such as, but not limited to, inspection, service, repair and maintenance which are performed:
• At least once every 2 weeks; or
• Four man-hours or more during any sequential 4-week period (to calculate man-hours multiply the number of employees by the number of hours during a 4-week period).
Produce. As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140, any one of the following:
• Manufacture.
• Process.
• Formulate.
• Blend.
• Extract.
• Generate.
• Emit.
• Repackage.
Purchaser. As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140, an employer who buys one or more hazardous chemicals to use in their workplace.
Pyrophoric. A chemical is pyrophoric if it will ignite spontaneously in the air when the temperature is 130°F (54.4°C) or below.
Qualified person. A person who has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve problems relating to the subject matter, work, or project, either by:
• Possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing; or
• Extensive knowledge, training and experience.
Railing or standard railing. A vertical barrier erected along exposed edges of a floor opening, wall opening, ramp, platform, or runway to prevent falls of persons.
Reassume jurisdiction. The department has decided to take back its control over a citation and notice being appealed.
Receptacle or receptacle outlet. As used in basic electrical rules, WAC
296-800-280 means outlets that accept a plug to supply electric power to equipment through a cord or cable.
Record. A record is any item, collection, or grouping of information. Examples include:
• Paper document.
• Microfiche.
• Microfilm.
• X-ray film.
• Computer record.
Refuge area.
• A protected space along an exit route that is separated from other spaces inside the building by a barrier with at least a one-hour fire resistance rating; or
• A floor in a building with an automatic sprinkler system that has at least two spaces that are separated by smoke-resistant partitions. See WAC
296-24-607 for requirements for automatic sprinkler systems.
Repeat violation. A violation is a repeat violation if the employer has been cited one or more times previously for a substantially similar hazard.
Responsible party. As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140. Someone who can provide appropriate information about the hazardous chemical and emergency procedures.
Rise. The vertical distance from the top of a tread to the top of the next higher tread.
Riser. The vertical part of the step at the back of a tread that rises to the front of the tread above.
Rungs. Rungs are the cross pieces on ladders that are used to climb up and down the ladder.
Runway. An elevated walkway above the surrounding floor or ground level. Examples of runways are footwalks along shafting or walkways between buildings.
Safety data sheet (SDS). Written, printed, or electronic information (on paper, microfiche, or on-screen) that informs manufacturers, distributors, employers or employees about a hazardous chemical, its hazards, and protective measures as required by safety data sheet and label preparation, WAC
Safety factor. The term safety factor means the ratio of when something will break versus the actual working stress or safe load when it is used.
Self-lighting or self-luminous. A light source that:
• Is illuminated by a self-contained power source other than batteries; and
• Operates independently from external power sources.
Serious violation. Serious violation must be deemed to exist in a workplace if there is a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result from a condition which exists, or from one or more practices, means, methods, operations, or processes which have been adopted or are in use in such workplace, unless the employer did not, and could not with the exercise of reasonable diligence, know of the presence of the violation.
Short-term exposure limit (STEL). An exposure limit, averaged over a short time period (usually measured for 15 minutes) that must not be exceeded during any part of an employee's workday.
Should. Should means recommended.
Single ladder. A type of portable ladder with one section.
It is distinguished by all of the following:
• It has one section.
• It cannot support itself.
• Its length cannot be adjusted.
Smoking. A person is smoking if they are:
• Lighting up.
• Inhaling.
• Exhaling.
• Carrying a pipe, cigar or cigarette of any kind that is burning.
Specific chemical identity. This term applies to chemical substances. It can mean the:
• Chemical name.
• Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number.
• Any other information that reveals the precise chemical designation of the substance.
Stair railing. A vertical barrier attached to a stairway with an open side to prevent falls. The top surface of the stair railing is used as a handrail.
Stairs or stairway. A series of steps and landings:
• Leading from one level or floor to another.
• Leading to platforms, pits, boiler rooms, crossovers, or around machinery, tanks, and other equipment.
• Used more or less continuously or routinely by employees, or only occasionally by specific individuals.
• With three or more risers.
Standard safeguard. Safety devices that prevent hazards by their attachment to:
• Machinery.
• Appliances.
• Tools.
• Buildings.
• Equipment.
These safeguards must be constructed of:
• Metal.
• Wood.
• Other suitable materials.
The department makes the final determination about whether a safeguard is sufficient for its use.
Step ladder. A portable ladder with:
• Flat steps.
• A hinge at the top allowing the ladder to fold out and support itself.
• Its length that cannot be adjusted.
Time weighted average (TWA8). An exposure limit, averaged over 8 hours, that must not be exceeded during an employee's work shift.
Toeboard. A barrier at floor level along exposed edges of a floor opening, wall opening, platform, runway, or ramp, to prevent falls of materials.
Toxic chemical. As used in first aid, WAC
296-800-150, is a chemical that produces serious injury or illness when absorbed through any body surface.
Toxic substance. Any chemical substance or biological agent, such as bacteria, virus, and fungus, which is any of the following:
• Listed in the latest edition of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS).
• Shows positive evidence of an acute or chronic health hazard in testing conducted by, or known to, the employer.
• The subject of a safety data sheet kept by or known to the employer showing the material may pose a hazard to human health.
Toxicant. A substance that has the inherent capacity to produce personal injury or illness to individuals by absorption through any body surface.
Trade secret. Any confidential:
• Formula.
• Pattern.
• Process.
• Device.
• Information.
• Collection of information.
The trade secret is used in an employer's business and gives an opportunity to gain an advantage over competitors who do not know or use it.
296-901-14018 for requirements dealing with trade secrets.
Tread. As used in stairs and stair railings, WAC
296-800-250 means the horizontal part of the stair step.
Tread run. As used in stairs and stair railings, WAC
296-800-250 means the distance from the front of one stair tread to the front of an adjacent tread.
Tread width. The distance from front to rear of the same tread including the nose, if used.
UL (Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.). You will find these initials on electrical cords and equipment. The initials mean the cord or equipment meets the standards set by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
Unstable (reactive). As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140. An unstable or reactive chemical is one that in its pure state, or as produced or transported, will vigorously polymerize, decompose, condense, or will become self-reactive under conditions of shocks, pressure or temperature.
Use. As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140, means to:
• Package.
• Handle.
• React.
• Emit.
• Extract.
• Generate as a by-product.
• Transfer.
Vapor. The gaseous form of a substance that is normally in the solid or liquid state.
Voltage of a circuit. The greatest effective potential difference between any two conductors or between a conductor and ground.
Voltage to ground. The voltage between a conductor and the point or conductor of the grounded circuit. For undergrounded circuits, it is the greatest voltage between the conductor and any other conductor of the circuit.
Voltage, nominal. Nominal voltage is a value assigned to a circuit or system to designate its voltage class (120/240, 480Y/277, 600, etc.). The actual circuit voltage can vary from the value if it is within a range that permits the equipment to continue operating in a satisfactory manner.
WAC. This is an acronym for Washington Administrative Code, which are rules developed to address state law.
Water-reactive. As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140, a water-reactive chemical reacts with water to release a gas that is either flammable or presents a health hazard.
Watertight. Constructed so that moisture will not enter the enclosure or container.
Weatherproof. Constructed or protected so that exposure to the weather will not interfere with successful operation. Rainproof, raintight, or watertight equipment can fulfill the requirements for weatherproof where varying weather conditions other than wetness, such as snow, ice, dust, or temperature extremes, are not a factor.
Wet location. As used in basic electrical rules, WAC
296-800-280 means:
• Underground installations or in concrete slabs or masonry that are in direct contact with the earth.
• Locations that can be saturated by water or other liquids.
• Unprotected locations exposed to the weather (like vehicle washing areas).
WISHA. This is an acronym for the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act.
Work area. As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140, a room or defined space in a workplace where hazardous chemicals are produced or used, and where employees are present.
Worker. See the definition for employee.
Working days. Means a calendar day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Legal holidays include:
• New Year's Day - January 1;
• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day;
• Presidents' Day;
• Memorial Day;
• Independence Day - July 4;
• Labor Day;
• Veterans' Day - November 11;
• Thanksgiving Day;
• The day after Thanksgiving Day; and
• Christmas Day - December 25.
The number of working days must be calculated by not counting the first working day and counting the last working day.
• The term workplace means:
– Any plant, yard, premises, room, or other place where an employee or employees are employed for the performance of labor or service over which the employer has the right of access or control, and includes, but is not limited to, all workplaces covered by industrial insurance under Title
51 RCW, as now or hereafter amended.
– As used in Hazard communication, WAC
296-901-140 means an establishment, job site, or project, at one geographical location containing one or more work areas.
You. See definition of employer.
Your representative. Your representative is the person selected to act in your behalf.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.050, and
49.17.060. WSR 18-22-116, amended and recodified as § 296-800-099, filed 11/6/18, effective 12/7/18. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.040, and
49.17.050. WSR 15-11-066, § 296-800-370, filed 5/19/15, effective 7/1/15. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060 and 29 C.F.R. 1910 Subpart Z. WSR 14-07-086, § 296-800-370, filed 3/18/14, effective 5/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060 and chapter
49.17 RCW. WSR 12-24-071, § 296-800-370, filed 12/4/12, effective 1/4/13. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060. WSR 09-01-158, § 296-800-370, filed 12/23/08, effective 3/1/09; WSR 08-18-056, § 296-800-370, filed 9/2/08, effective 11/2/08; WSR 03-18-090, § 296-800-370, filed 9/2/03, effective 11/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050. WSR 02-16-047, § 296-800-370, filed 8/1/02, effective 10/1/02; WSR 01-23-060, § 296-800-370, filed 11/20/01, effective 12/1/01; WSR 01-11-038, § 296-800-370, filed 5/9/01, effective 9/1/01.]