(1) When an enforcement officer believes that a licensee has violated a WSLCB statute or regulation, the officer may prepare an administrative violation notice (AVN) and mail or deliver the notice to the licensee, licensee's agent, or employee.
(2) The AVN notice will include:
(a) A complete narrative description of the violation(s) the officer is charging;
(b) The date(s) of the violation(s);
(c) A copy of the law(s) and/or regulation(s) allegedly violated;
(d) An outline of the licensee's options as outlined in WAC
314-55-510; and
(e) The recommended penalty.
(i) If the recommended penalty is the standard penalty, see WAC
314-55-520 through
314-55-535 for licensees.
(ii) For cases in which there are aggravating or mitigating circumstances, the penalty may be adjusted from the standard penalty.