HTMLPDF | 357-13-010 | Who adopts the classification plan? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-015 | What must the classification plan be based upon? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-020 | When and how is the classification plan to be revised? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-025 | What criteria must be met in order for the director to adopt revisions or salary adjustments to the classification plan? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-030 | Must employers maintain position descriptions? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-035 | Must a standard form be used for each position description? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-040 | What must be included in each position description? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-045 | Who is responsible for completing the position description form? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-050 | Who is responsible for allocating or reallocating each position? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-055 | What must allocations or reallocations be based upon? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-058 | What is the requirement for employers to develop procedures which address evaluating positions for placement in the information technology professional structure (ITPS)? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-060 | Must employers have a procedure that addresses when positions are to be reviewed for reallocation? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-065 | Must the employer's procedure allow an employee to request a review of his/her position? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-070 | Must an employer notify an employee when the employee's position is reallocated? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-075 | Must the notice of reallocation inform the employee of the right to request a director's review of the reallocation? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-080 | Can an employee request a director's review of a position review or reallocation of the employee's position? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-083 | What happens if an employee requests a director's review of his or her allocation or files an exception to the director's decision and is laid off before a decision is issued? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-085 | How is the effective date of a reallocation determined? |
HTMLPDF | 357-13-090 | How is an employee affected when his/her position is reallocated? |