(1) The CARE tool uses a tool called the cognitive performance scale (CPS) to evaluate your cognitive impairment. The CPS results in a score that ranges from zero (intact) to six (very severe impairment). Your CPS score is based on:
(a) Whether you are comatose.
(b) Your ability to make decisions, as defined in WAC
388-106-0010 "Decision making."
(c) Your ability to make yourself understood, as defined in WAC
388-106-0010 "Ability to make self understood."
(d) Whether you have short-term memory problem (e.g. can you remember recent events?) or whether you have delayed recall; and
(e) Whether you score as total dependence for self performance in eating, as defined in WAC
388-106-0010 "Self performance of ADLs."
(2) You will receive a CPS score of:
(a) Zero when you do not have problems with decision-making ability, making yourself understood, or recent memory.
(b) One when you meet one of the following:
(i) Your decision-making ability is scored as modified independence or moderately impaired;
(ii) Your ability to make yourself understood is usually, sometimes, or rarely/never understood; or
(iii) You have a recent memory problem.
(c) Two when you meet two of the following:
(i) Your decision-making ability is scored as modified independence or moderately impaired;
(ii) Your ability to make yourself understood is usually, sometimes, or rarely/never understood; and/or
(iii) You have a short-term memory problem or delayed recall.
(d) Three when you meet at least two of the criteria listed in subsection (2)(b) of this section and one of the following applies:
(i) Your decision making is moderately impaired; or
(ii) Your ability to make yourself understood is sometimes or rarely/never understood.
(e) Four when both of the following criteria applies:
(i) Your decision making is moderately impaired; and
(ii) Your ability to make yourself understood is sometimes or rarely/never understood.
(f) Five when your ability to make decisions is scored as severely impaired.
(g) Six when one of the following applies:
(i) Your ability to make decisions is severely impaired and you require total dependence in eating; or
(ii) You are comatose.