Services, supports and/or items that cannot be purchased within New Freedom budgets, including, but not limited to:
(1) Services, supports and/or items covered by the state plan, medicare, or other programs or services.
(2) Any fees related to health or long-term care incurred by you, including co-pays, waiver cost of care (participation), or insurance.
(3) Home modifications that merely add square footage to your home.
(4) Vacation expenses other than the direct cost of provision of personal care services while on vacation (but you may not use New Freedom funds to pay travel expenses for your provider).
(5) Rent or room and board.
(6) Tobacco or alcohol products;
(7) Lottery tickets.
(8) Entertainment-related items such as televisions, cable, DVD players, stereos, radios, computers and other electronics, that are nonadaptive in nature.
(9) Vehicle purchases, maintenance or upgrades that do not include maintenance to modifications related to disability.
(10) Tickets and related costs to attend sporting or other recreational events.
(11) Standard household supplies, furnishings, equipment, and maintenance, such as cleaning supplies, beds/mattresses, chairs, vacuum cleaners, outside window cleaning, and major household appliances, such as washing machines or refrigerators (unless purchased while transitioning from an institution to home).
(12) Pets, therapy animals and their related costs (including food and veterinary services).
(13) Postage outside of shipping costs related to approved spending plan items.
(14) Experimental or investigational services, procedures, treatments, devices, drugs, or application of associated services, except when the individual factors of an individual client's condition justify a determination of medical necessity under WAC
(15) Gym equipment or exercise equipment over one hundred dollars per year.
(16) Monthly service fees for utilities.
(17) Warranties (for equipment, furnishings or installations).
(18) Cosmetic services and treatments (i.e. manicures, pedicures, hair services, face lifts, etc).
(19) Basic groceries, clothing and footwear.
(20) Travel-related expenses.
(21) Any item previously purchased through medicaid funding that is within the health care authority replacement period.