PDFWAC 392-137-190

Appeal notice—Denial of release or admission.

Requests for an appeal shall be addressed to the superintendent of public instruction and shall contain the following:
(1) The name, age, grade level, and residence address, if any, of the student.
(2) The name, mailing address, if any, and the legal relationship of the person, if any, filing the notice of appeal on behalf of the student.
(3) In the case of denial of release, documentation indicating the conditions of WAC 392-137-155 have been met and a copy of all documents or other written evidence submitted to the resident district which indicates the grounds for the requested release.
(4) In the case of denial of admission, documentation that the nonresident district has failed to comply with the standards and procedures specified in WAC 392-137-205.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.22.230 [28A.225.230] and 34.05.220(4). WSR 90-19-068 (Order 26), § 392-137-190, filed 9/17/90, effective 10/18/90.]