PDFWAC 392-140-974

Salary bonus for teachers and other certificated instructional staff who hold current certification by the national boardAdministrative procedures.

(1) School districts and charter schools that employ teachers and other certificated instructional staff eligible for the salary bonus shall report those employees to the office of superintendent of public instruction by submitting for each employee the required data as determined by the superintendent of public instruction.
(2) Districts and charter schools shall document each employee's eligibility by maintaining on file for audit a copy of the employee's national board certification notice and evidence of employment and duties assigned. For employees eligible for the challenging, high poverty schools bonus pursuant to WAC 392-140-973(3), districts and charter schools shall also document the employee's instructional assignments in challenging, high poverty schools.
(3) All requests must be submitted to the superintendent of public instruction by June 15th of the school year and shall be paid in the July apportionment and displayed on Report 1197, in revenue account 4158. Bonuses shall be reduced by a factor of 40 percent for first year National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certified teachers, to reflect the portion of the instructional school year they are certified.
(4) For each candidate, the superintendent of public instruction shall send the district or charter school the amount of the salary bonus set in the operating appropriations act plus an amount for the district's or charter school's (employer) portion of mandatory fringe benefits. The amount of the annual bonus in WAC 392-140-973(2) shall be five thousand dollars in the 2007-08 school year. Thereafter, the annual bonus shall increase by inflation. The amount of the challenging, high poverty schools bonus in WAC 392-140-973(3) shall be five thousand dollars in the 2007-08 school year. Thereafter, the challenging, high poverty schools bonus shall not increase by inflation.
(5) The district or charter school shall pay the bonus to the employee in a lump sum amount on a supplemental contract pursuant to RCW 28A.400.200 no later than August 31st of the school year.
(6) The salary bonus is included in the definition of "earnable compensation" under RCW 41.32.010(10).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290 and 28A.710.220. WSR 15-18-078, § 392-140-974, filed 8/28/15, effective 9/28/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290(1) and 28A.405.415. WSR 14-04-002, § 392-140-974, filed 1/22/14, effective 2/22/14; WSR 11-23-116, § 392-140-974, filed 11/21/11, effective 12/22/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290(1). WSR 08-17-013, § 392-140-974, filed 8/8/08, effective 9/8/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290(1) and section 513(11) of ESSB 5404 (the 2003-05 state operating budget). WSR 03-21-100, § 392-140-974, filed 10/17/03, effective 11/17/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290(2) and 2001 c 7 § 514(12). WSR 02-15-023, § 392-140-974, filed 7/9/02, effective 8/9/02.]