PDFWAC 392-140-976

Salary bonus for teachers and other certificated instructional staff who hold current certification by the national boardConditional loan program.

(1) During the 2017-18 and 2018-19 school years, and within available funds, certificated instructional staff who have met the eligibility requirements and have applied for certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards may receive a conditional loan of one thousand four hundred twenty-five dollars toward the current assessment fee, not including the initial up-front candidacy payment.
(2) The conditional loan shall be an advance on the first annual bonus provided under RCW 28A.405.415. The conditional loan is provided in addition to compensation received under a district's salary allocation and shall not be included in calculations of a district's average salary and associated salary limitation under RCW 28A.400.200.
(3)(a) Conditional loan recipients who fail to receive national board certification within three years following the completion of their second year of candidacy under the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards must repay the conditional loan.
(b) Repayment shall begin after the candidate has either:
(i) Obtained the national board certification;
(ii) Exhausted all years of eligibility under the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; or
(iii) Withdrawn their candidacy.
(4) The terms of repayment shall be pursuant to a promissory note or other instrument executed by the conditional loan recipient.
[Statutory Authority: 2018 c 299 § 513 (4)(d), and RCW 28A.405.415. WSR 18-17-181, § 392-140-976, filed 8/22/18, effective 9/22/18.]