PDFWAC 392-164-340

Day care.

Day care of infants and very young children may be provided under this part as a service to such children upon specific application to the superintendent of public instruction with sufficient information to enable the superintendent of public instruction to determine that such care as described in the application is:
(1) Not available from other public or private agencies which provide day care services in the geographical area to be served;
(2) Essential to enable eligible currently migratory children to participate in instructional services by relieving them of the responsibility of caring for younger children; and
(3) Cost effective in view of the number of children who would receive day care, the number of currently migratory children involved, and the effect the availability of such services would have on the attendance and participation of such migratory children in instructional services.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.02.100. WSR 88-13-089 (Order 88-16), § 392-164-340, filed 6/20/88.]