PDFWAC 456-09-555


(1) Any application for an order or ruling or a request for relief from any provision of this chapter is a motion. Every motion, unless made during hearing, shall be in writing and shall include the following:
(a) A statement of the relief or order sought;
(b) The reason for the relief or order;
(c) A statement that the moving party has made a good faith effort to confer with the other party to resolve the subject matter of the motion;
(d) The amount of time needed for argument;
(e) Whether court reporting services are requested; and
(f) Shall include proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-09-345.
(2) All motions shall be properly captioned and signed by the party or their representative.
(3) At the discretion of the board, the hearing on motion may be by teleconference or in person.
(4) A response to the motion shall be submitted to the board together with proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-09-345 within ten business days following the date of service of the motion.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. WSR 05-13-141, § 456-09-555, filed 6/21/05, effective 8/1/05.]