(1) Prime contractors, design-builders, general contractors/construction managers and consultants must submit a small and veterans' business plan that specifies how the contractor will meet SBE and VOB participation goals, prior to the award of any contract. The small and veteran business plan for design-bid-build and consultant contracts must list all of the SBEs, VOBs, mini-businesses and micro-businesses that will participate in the contract; a description of the work that each SBE, VOB, micro-business or mini-business will perform; the dollar amount of the participation of each SBE, VOB, micro-business or mini-business; the contractor's written commitment to use the SBE, VOB, micro-business or mini-business submitted; and written confirmation from each SBE or VOB firm that it is participating in the contract in the kind and amount of work provided in the inclusion plan. The small and veteran business plan for design-build and general contractor/construction manager contracts must list in detail the contractor's means and methods that it will use to meet the goal and a commitment by the contractor to attempt to meet the goal. If the total SBE and VOB participation in the small and veteran business plan does not meet the condition of award goal, then the contractor must also submit evidence of good faith efforts (GFEs) to meet the contract goal. A contractor may be awarded a project only after WSDOT has approved its small and veteran business plan or confirmed its GFEs. Revisions of small and veteran business plans may be necessary prior to plan approvals.
(2) Quarterly small and veteran business plans are required for design-build and general contractor/construction manager projects. The first quarterly small and veteran business plan shall be submitted prior to contract award and must be approved by the department prior to contract execution. Subsequent small and veteran business plans must include information, as applicable, regarding:
(a) Small and veteran business goal attainment;
(b) A list all of the SBEs, VOBs, mini-businesses or micro-businesses that have been contracted to date;
(c) A description of the work that each SBE, VOB, micro-business or mini-business will perform;
(d) The dollar amount of the participation of each SBE, VOB, micro-business or mini-business;
(e) The contractor's written commitment to use the SBE, VOB, micro-business or mini-business submitted;
(f) Written confirmation from each SBE, VOB, micro-business or mini-business firm that it is participating in the contract in the kind and amount of work provided in the small and veteran business plan;
(g) Corrective actions necessary to meet the established goals;
(h) Outreach strategies;
(i) Innovative approaches to secure goal(s); and
(j) Other evidence of GFEs to meet the contract goal.