Chapter 479-10 WAC

Last Update: 4/10/17


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF479-10-011Small city pavement preservation and sidewalk account additional uses.
HTMLPDF479-10-100Intent of the small city preservation program.
HTMLPDF479-10-110Who is eligible for small city preservation program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-120Projects that are eligible for small city preservation program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-121Types of street system treatments allowed under small city preservation program.
HTMLPDF479-10-122Qualification for the small city preservation program—Pavement condition ratings.
HTMLPDF479-10-130Identification of funding requests for the small city preservation program.
HTMLPDF479-10-140Project selection for the small city preservation program.
HTMLPDF479-10-150Project phases for the small city preservation program.
HTMLPDF479-10-160City matching funds or services for small city preservation program.
HTMLPDF479-10-170Small city match funding eligibility and application.
HTMLPDF479-10-171Restriction on use of small city match funding.
HTMLPDF479-10-172Small city match funding priority.
HTMLPDF479-10-173If small city match funding is fully allocated.
HTMLPDF479-10-174Small city match funding increases.
HTMLPDF479-10-200Intent of the city hardship assistance program.
HTMLPDF479-10-210Who is eligible for city hardship assistance program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-220What routes are eligible for city hardship assistance program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-230How to request city hardship assistance program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-240Phases for city hardship assistance program.
HTMLPDF479-10-250Funding limitations for city hardship assistance program projects.
HTMLPDF479-10-260No match is required for city hardship assistance program projects.
HTMLPDF479-10-270Spending any residual amount of city hardship assistance program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-300Intent of the arterial preservation program.
HTMLPDF479-10-310Who is eligible for arterial preservation program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-320Projects eligible for arterial preservation program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-323Arterial preservation program allowable street system treatments and funding uses.
HTMLPDF479-10-330Consideration of arterial preservation program funding requests.
HTMLPDF479-10-370Arterial preservation program city matching funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-400Intent of the streetlight program.
HTMLPDF479-10-410Who is eligible for streetlight program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-420Work eligible for streetlight program funds.
HTMLPDF479-10-422When streetlights are on state routes facilities.
HTMLPDF479-10-430Project types for the streetlight program.
HTMLPDF479-10-440Project award criteria for the streetlight program.
HTMLPDF479-10-450Project phases for the streetlight program.
HTMLPDF479-10-500What is the purpose and authority for the complete streets grant program?
HTMLPDF479-10-510What local governments are eligible for the complete streets grant program?
HTMLPDF479-10-520How are local governments selected for complete streets grant funding?
HTMLPDF479-10-530Who can nominate?
HTMLPDF479-10-540How many nominations may each nominator submit?
HTMLPDF479-10-550The board may nominate eligible local governments.
HTMLPDF479-10-560How will nominated local governments be evaluated for the complete streets grant program?
HTMLPDF479-10-570What projects are eligible?
HTMLPDF479-10-580How is the work plan determined?
HTMLPDF479-10-590How to make changes to the work plan.
HTMLPDF479-10-600When will the grant award payment be made?
HTMLPDF479-10-610How is the amount of the incentive payment determined?
HTMLPDF479-10-620What is required at grant award closeout?
HTMLPDF479-10-630When can eligible local governments who have already received an award, receive a new award?
479-10-005Purpose, authority, and funding. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. WSR 13-20-087, § 479-10-005, filed 9/30/13, effective 10/31/13; WSR 08-21-005, § 479-10-005, filed 10/2/08, effective 11/2/08.] Repealed by WSR 15-22-052, filed 10/29/15, effective 11/29/15. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW.