(1) The student conduct officer initiates all disciplinary actions. If that officer is the subject of a complaint the respondent initiates, the president will, upon request and when feasible, designate another person to fulfill any such disciplinary responsibilities that relate to the complainant.
(2) The student conduct officer initiates disciplinary action by personally informing the student of the allegations or serving the respondent with written notice directing him or her to attend a disciplinary meeting. The notice will briefly describe the:
(a) Factual allegations;
(b) Provision(s) of the conduct code the respondent allegedly violated;
(c) Range of possible sanctions for the alleged violation(s);
(d) Time and location of the meeting.
At the meeting, the student conduct officer will present the allegations to the respondent and the respondent will be afforded an opportunity to explain what took place. If the respondent student fails or refuses to attend the meeting, the student conduct officer may take disciplinary action based upon the available information.
(3) Within ten calendar days of the initial disciplinary meeting, and after considering the evidence in the case, including any facts or argument presented by the respondent, the student conduct officer will give the respondent a written decision that states:
(a) The facts and conclusions that support the decision;
(b) The specific student conduct code provisions that were violated;
(c) The discipline imposed, if any;
(d) A notice of any appeal rights with an explanation of the consequences of not filing a timely appeal.
(4) The student conduct officer may take any of the following disciplinary actions:
(a) Exonerate the respondent and terminate the proceedings;
(b) Impose a disciplinary sanction(s) as described in WAC
(c) Refer the matter directly to the student conduct committee for such disciplinary action as the committee deems appropriate. The student conduct officer will make this referral in writing, to the attention of the student conduct committee's chair with a copy served on the respondent.
(5) Any college administrator or managing authority of a distance learning course, except the president and the vice president who would hear any appeal, may initiate proceedings and recommend taking any of the disciplinary actions defined in WAC
495D-121-600, except that only the president, a vice president, or designee may dismiss or suspend a student from the college. Before taking the action, the disciplining official will notify his or her supervisor and meet or attempt to meet with the student to explain the seriousness of the matter and hear any explanation by the student.