WAC Sections |
392-343-005 | Authority. |
392-343-010 | Purpose. |
392-343-012 | Waiver of rules to facilitate alternative public works contracting procedures. |
392-343-015 | State board policy. |
392-343-016 | Rules determining eligibility and timing of state funding assistance. |
392-343-017 | Definition—School facilities. |
392-343-018 | Definition—Portable facility. |
392-343-019 | Definition—Instructional space. |
392-343-020 | Related factors and formula for determining amount of state funding assistance. |
392-343-023 | Emerging high school district eligibility. |
392-343-025 | State funding assistance percentage—General. |
392-343-030 | Applicable state funding assistance percentage for project. |
392-343-032 | Growth impact fees and mitigation payments. |
392-343-035 | Space allocations. |
392-343-040 | Square foot area analysis. |
392-343-045 | Space allocations—Enrollment projection provisions. |
392-343-050 | Space allocations—Computing building capacity. |
392-343-053 | State moneys for studies and surveys. |
392-343-054 | Implementation of priority approval process. |
392-343-056 | Funding during the period of a priority approval process order by the superintendent of public instruction. |
392-343-05605 | Additional funding during a period of a priority approval process. |
392-343-05607 | Funding for specifically appropriated projects during a period of a priority approval process. |
392-343-057 | State funding assistance—Deferred payment. |
392-343-059 | Application of priority system to projects with and without preliminary funding status. |
392-343-060 | Determining the construction cost allocation. |
392-343-063 | Annual review of actual construction costs of school projects. |
392-343-065 | Educational specifications. |
392-343-070 | Architectural and engineering services. |
392-343-075 | Energy conservation report. |
392-343-080 | Value engineering studies, constructability reviews, and building commissioning—Requirements and definition. |
392-343-085 | Construction cost savings—Sharing incentive. |
392-343-095 | Support level—Furniture and equipment allowances. |
392-343-100 | Special inspections and testing. |
392-343-102 | Construction management. |
392-343-105 | Insurance. |
392-343-110 | Support level—Federal moneys. |
392-343-115 | Support level—Additional state funding assistance. |
392-343-120 | Costs to be financed entirely with school district funds. |
392-343-125 | Unforeseen costs. |
392-343-405 | Instructional space inventory of school facilities—Eligibility. |
392-343-410 | Removal from instructional space inventory—Demolition. |
392-343-415 | Removal from instructional space inventory—Sale or long-term lease of building. |
392-343-420 | Removal from instructional space inventory—Conversion. |
392-343-425 | Removal from instructional space inventory—Replacement. |
392-343-500 | State funding assistance—Priorities after June 30, 1992. |
392-343-505 | State funding assistance—Common priority elements. |
392-343-510 | State funding assistance—New construction for growth priority factors. |
392-343-515 | Modernization or new-in-lieu of modernization priority elements. |
392-343-525 | State funding assistance—Priorities for co-ops. |
392-343-530 | Type of school space—Determination. |
392-343-535 | Existing building condition—Assessment. |
392-343-600 | Emergency repair grant applications—Definitions—"Emergency repair," "imminent health and safety hazards," and "local funding." |
392-343-605 | Emergency repair grant applications—Contents of applications. |
392-343-610 | Emergency repair grant applications—The superintendent of public instruction approval/disapproval. |
392-343-615 | Emergency repair grant applications—Repayment conditions. |