PDFWAC 16-302-025

Seed standards for genetic purity certification.

All certified seed must conform to the standards of purity and identity or variety in compliance with chapter 15.49 RCW and rules adopted thereunder. The general certification standards together with the specific crop certification standards established in this chapter are the basic requirements for genetic purity seed certification:
(1) Only proprietary varieties and OECD varieties not of United States origin to be tagged under the OECD scheme are eligible for genetic purity certification.
(2) Only the specific crop certification standards established in rule which pertain to genetic purity such as land requirements and isolation, shall apply for genetic purity certification. Fields must not contain other varieties or off-type plants in excess of established standards. The grower is responsible for controlling noxious weeds to prevent seed formation.
(3) Excessive prohibited and/or objectionable weeds, poor stands, lack of vigor, or other conditions, which make inspection by the certifying agency inaccurate, may be cause for rejection of a field.
(4) Field inspection. A field inspection is made by the certifying agency each year at the time the seed crop is in bloom, or at other times as may be most advantageous to determine genetic purity. A complete record must be maintained on the condition of the field (weeds, crop mixtures, etc.) and all information reported to the authorized agent and/or grower. Upon completion of all requirements for field inspection, a final field inspection report is issued by the certifying agency that the seed produced passed genetic purity requirements.
(5) Seed standards. The certifying agency shall test all lots to determine the purity and germination quality. Seed to be certified must not contain seeds of other varieties or off-types in excess of standards established in rule. The quality of each lot of seed represented to be certified must be that which is normally acceptable in the marketing of high quality seed. Failure to maintain acceptable quality shall be considered cause for revoking permission to participate in seed certification by genetic purity.
(6) Processing or conditioning requirements. Only those conditioning plants approved by the department Seed Program are permitted to process seed for certification. Complete records must be kept of all processing or conditioning. Blending of seed lots of the same variety from fields passing field inspections may be permitted with prior approval and if in accordance with requirements for blending. Sampling and all other operations involving certified seed must be under supervision of the certifying agency. The sample must be obtained in accordance with official sampling procedures. The entire lot must be cleaned and in condition for sale at the time of sampling. This sample must be submitted to the seed laboratory for testing to evaluate quality. Lots of questionable quality may be rejected and not eligible for certification.
(7) Certification tags for seed meeting the genetic purity standards must be clearly marked, "genetic purity certified."
(8) Fees for genetic purity certification are as established for each seed crop in chapter 16-303 WAC and the authorized agent or grower is responsible for all fees.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.49.005, 15.49.081, 15.49.310, 15.49.370(3) and chapter 17.24 RCW. WSR 00-24-077, ยง 16-302-025, filed 12/4/00, effective 1/4/01.]