(1) All hybrid fields must be inspected at the time of stem elongation and a second inspection must occur at the early flowering stage. The certifying agency may require additional inspections to address conditions including, but not limited to, pollen shedding plants in the A line, bloom timing of the A and B lines, and removal of B lines.
(2) All hybrid canola or hybrid rapeseed fields must be isolated from other canola or rapeseed crops by a minimum of one-half mile except for fields located within the Columbia Basin irrigation project must be isolated from other canola or rapeseed crops by two miles. Isolation is not required for fields that are the same hybrid utilizing the B lines.
(3) Fields must be planted in distinct rows with the A line and B line clearly delineated.
(4) Fields must be free from prohibited noxious weeds as listed in WAC
16-302-100 and free from
Galium sp.
(5) Maximum plants of other varieties or crop kinds per ten thousand plants. This factor is based on a sixty thousand plant count (six replicates of ten thousand plants).
Maximum plants of other varieties including off types and A-line pollen shedders. | Maximum plants of other Brassica crop or weed species. |
1.5:10,000 | 1:10,000 |
(6) Percent hybrid shall not be less than eighty percent.
(7) Fields cut or swathed prior to inspection are not eligible for certification.