(1) A hemp licensee may be subject to a corrective action plan established by the department to correct negligent violations of this chapter including, but not limited to:
(a) Failing to provide a legal description of land on which the producer produces hemp;
(b) Failing to obtain a license or other required authorization from the department; or
(c) Producing Cannabis sativa L. with delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.
(2) A hemp licensee shall comply with a corrective action plan established by the department to correct the negligent violation, including:
(a) A reasonable date by which the hemp producer shall correct the negligent violation;
(b) A requirement that the hemp producer shall periodically report to the department, as applicable, on the compliance of the hemp producer with the regulations under this chapter for a period of at least two calendar years.
(3) Licensees may be subject to license suspension or revocation for violations of chapter
15.140 RCW or this chapter for failing to comply with a corrective action plan.
(4) A hemp licensee that negligently fails to comply with the regulations under this chapter three times in a five-year period shall be ineligible to produce hemp for a period of five years beginning on the date of the third violation.
(5) The department will not consider hemp producers as committing a negligent violation by producing plants exceeding the acceptable hemp THC level if they use reasonable efforts to grow hemp and the plant does not have a THC concentration of more than 0.5 percent on a dry weight basis. For sampling and testing violations, the department will consider the entire harvest from a distinct lot in determining whether a violation occurred. This means that if testing determines that each sample of five plants from distinct lots has a THC concentration exceeding the acceptable hemp THC level (or 0.5 percent if the hemp producer has made reasonable efforts to grow hemp), USDA considers this as one negligent violation. If an individual produces hemp without a license, this will be considered one violation.
(6) Negligent violations are not subject to criminal enforcement. However, the department will report the production of hemp without a license issued by the department to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Attorney General.
(7) Hemp found to be produced in violation of this chapter such as hemp produced on a property not disclosed by the licensed producer, or without a license, would be subject to the same disposal or destruction as for hemp above the acceptable hemp THC level.