PDFWAC 16-403-034

General standards for Washington grades.

General standards for Washington grades shall apply to apples of one variety (except when more than one variety is printed on the container) which must meet the following standards in addition to standards specific to each Washington grade:
(1) The apples must be mature but not overripe, clean, fairly well formed, and free from decay, internal browning, internal breakdown, brown surface discoloration, scab, freezing injury, visible water core, broken skins, and bruises, except those which are slight and incidental to proper handling and packing; and
(2) The apples must be free from damage by invisible water core after January 31st of the year following the year of production except for the Washington C grade.
(3) Invisible water core is not a quality factor of the Fuji variety at any time of the year.
(4) Apples of the red, partial red or blushed varieties must meet the color requirements specified for the variety in WAC 16-403-064.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.17.030, [15.17.]050, [15.17.]060, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 17-03-002, ยง 16-403-034, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17.]