PDFWAC 16-403-074

Washington extra fancy standards for green or yellow varieties.

Washington green or yellow variety extra fancy apples must meet the following standards in addition to meeting the general standards under WAC 16-403-034. The apples must be free from:
(1) Slightly rough and rough russeting: Provided, that russeting other than rough or bark-like russeting materially affecting the appearance of the apple may be permitted in the stem cavity or calyx basin if it cannot be seen when the apple is placed stem end and calyx end down on a flat surface.
(2) Injury as specified in WAC 16-403-164(1) and 16-403-174(1); and
(3) Damage as specified in WAC 16-403-164(2) and 16-403-174(2).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.17.030, [15.17.]050, [15.17.]060, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 17-03-002, ยง 16-403-074, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17.]